“In My Heart There Rings a Melody” – Musical Musings in March

After the snow storms of the past week, we’ve had a couple of very bright, sunshiny mornings. They have been beautiful and encouraging. Spring is just around the corner and soon the dull brown prairie will turn green.


The trees will bud into gorgeous blooms and the flowers hidden beneath the earth will burst forth. Oh, there’s still plenty of snow to melt, and there will probably be another snow fall or two before we can actually enjoy spring, but it is promising.


Another great sign that spring is nearing are the birds. They begin their melodious tunes at sunrise and there is nothing I enjoy more than waking to their music. I’ve heard the birds the past two mornings and it brings joy to my heart.


I too have a melody in my heart. It’s one that came from Jesus. There is an old hymn that I always enjoyed singing. Mainly because it was upbeat and our church pianist could make any piece of music come alive. This hymn was no different.


“In My Heart There Rings a Melody” is a tune that brings a smile to my face. Because it tells of the song that Jesus gave me. Take a look at the lyrics.


In My Heart There Rings a Melody


I have a song that Jesus gave me,

It was sent from heaven above;

There never was a sweeter melody,

‘Tis a melody of love.



I love the Christ who died on Calv’ry,

For He washed my sins away;

He put within my heart a melody,

And I know it’s there to stay.



‘Twill be my endless theme in glory,

With the angels I will sing;

‘Twill be a song with glorious harmony,

When the courts of heaven ring.




In my heart there rings a melody,

There rings a melody with heaven’s harmony;

In my heart there rings a melody;

There rings a melody of love![i]


This melody in my heart is joy. Pure joy. It is Jesus’ joy. And Jesus places this joy in my heart.


In John 15, Jesus encourages His disciples. And one of the encouraging things He said to them is in John 15:11 (NIV). “I have told you all of this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”


To make their joy complete. To make my joy complete. To make your joy complete.


That joy we have from Jesus is what keeps us going. It’s what keeps us singing. It’s what keeps hope alive. It is knowing that regardless of what we encounter in this world, we have Jesus’ joy within our hearts and that keeps us singing.


You see, this is one of the things that separates us (believers of Christ) from the world (unbelievers). We have hope. We have faith. We have peace. We have joy. And in this world of hopelessness, disbelief, turmoil, and fear, we have within us the answer to it all. Jesus.


If you are reading this post and are not a believer, please know that Jesus would love to give you His joy and place a new song in your heart. Don’t believe that after accepting Jesus as your Savior you won’t have any more trouble, for Jesus Himself told us that we would have trouble in this world (John 16:33). But you can be assured that Jesus has overcome the world and because of His victory, we can have peace. Now is the time to come to Jesus and find all that He has to offer.


“In My Heart There Rings a Melody.” What a wonderful way to start the morning!


Here’s a version of this song that I think you’ll love. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNk9Fyh3O10


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] In My Heart There Rings a Melody, Words and Music by Elton M. Roth, 1924

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