
When I was in Bible College in Cincinnati, I attended a local church where my uncle was the minister. The Sunday School class designed for college-aged youth was going through the Book of Proverbs. Verse by verse, we learned practical advice for daily living.


What I remember most was that it seemed never ending. Proverbs is has a lot of verses (915 to be exact). And each verse seems to have an idea of its own. Each verse held a valuable pearl just waiting for us to find and treasure.


Another thing I remember is that I don’t remember all of those verses. That is a lot to take in and hold on to and put into practice and remember.


So you’ll understand that when I find little tidbits of treasures now 35 years later, I wonder why I didn’t remember “that” one.


For example, I shared a Proverbs verse with you yesterday. Proverbs 27:19 (NIV). “As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.”



To take this idea one step further, this past weekend our teaching pastor at LifeBridge made a statement that went something like this (my paraphrase). What comes out of your mouth is what’s in your heart.


At LifeBridge, we’re going through the Book of James and you guessed it, we got to the tongue portion (James 3:1-12).


From the Proverbs verse, we don’t completely understand how we can read another’s heart. But the James passage certainly drills it down to where we understand words and language define another’s heart.


So how’s your heart? Is it cursing men or praising God? James tells us that it shouldn’t be both.


I find it remarkable that God points me to these little tidbits of knowledge. But what I find even more remarkable is that these little tidbits of knowledge can change lives!


After Sunday’s sermon, I have found myself doing a heart check more often than usual, because God has made me aware of one of my issues. I call it attitude, but it is a heart issue. And the sooner I allow God to have control of this area, the better off I will be.


Proverbs has 31 chapters. One to read each day of the month. I’ve read through this book of wisdom on several occasions, but obviously there is still much to learn.


So today, I will begin reading through Proverbs again, starting with chapter 11. Will you join me? Will you open your heart to what God has to teach you?


More importantly, are you willing to allow God to change your heart? Is there room in your heart for Him? Will you allow His love and grace to flow from your lips because of what He has done in your heart?


“As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.” (Proverbs 27:19 – NIV)


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




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