“Open My Eyes” – Monday Musical Musings

I woke up to this melody and lyric a couple of days ago. With working a lot of hours in my previous job and then transitioning into my new job, I think I’ve missed some pretty important events going on around me. This song helped me to come to the realization that my eyes need to be open at all times and that when I see something that needs my attention, I need to stop what I’m doing and take notice.


I think this just might an issue for a large mass of people, for this is not the only song that asks God to help with this situation. It may not be the first song and I know for sure it wasn’t the last, but it one of the first that I remember singing as a young person about this concept.


I suspect it didn’t mean near as much as it should have and certainly not as much as it does today, but whether you’re a newbie or seasoned Christian, each of us must ask God to open the eyes of our spiritual hearts so that we may learn something from Him.


“Open My Eyes”


Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.



Open my ears, that I may hear
Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
And while the wave notes fall on my ear,
Everything false will disappear.



Open my mouth, and let me bear,
Gladly the warm truth everywhere;
Open my heart and let me prepare
Love with Thy children thus to share.




Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready my God, Thy will to see,
Open my eyes, illumine me,
Spirit divine![i]


If you’d like to listen to this great hymn of our faith, you may do so by clicking here.


What I like about this song is that it asks each of us to do more than just opening our eyes. We also are to listen for truth. And we are to tell others of God’s truth.


In the refrain we see how we get to this place of enlightenment. By waiting. Silently waiting. When we are ready, God’s Spirit will open our eyes.


If you’re like me, however, waiting silently can be difficult. My mind tends to wander. I think of a list of things that need to be done. And sometimes, I just get up and get some of those things done. Sometimes my “quiet time” is so distracted that I haven’t heard what God wants me to hear for the day.


It is difficult to disengage from the world long enough to hear God, but that is exactly what we must do. When we approach God in this way, He will certainly meet us there. He will fill our open eyes, ears and mouth with exactly what we need for the day. And when meet Him, He will prepare our hearts for a day of worship, service, and evangelism.


How are you doing with your time with God? Are you days so filled with busyness that you just don’t have time for Him? When you do take the time, do you give God your total, 100% attention? What steps do you need to take to ensure quality time with your Redeemer?


I’m not just asking you these questions. These are for me as well. There is nothing, nothing more important than being with my heavenly Father each day. Now I need to work on this statement. There is nothing, nothing more important than waiting quietly for my heavenly Father to speak to me today.


“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” (Psalm 119:18 – NIV)


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




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[i] “Open My Eyes,” Words and music by Clara H. Scott, in Best Hymns No. 2, by Elisha A. Hoffman and Harold F. Sayles (Chicago, Illinois: Evangelical Publishing Company, 1895)

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