Smile and Share


There was a great fireworks display this past weekend behind our home. These are my favorite fireworks because I don’t have to go anywhere. I don’t have to fight traffic. I can even watch them in my pajamas if I chose. They are right in my backyard and they are really good.


SmileThis year I was surprised by one in particular. It was a smile face. I captured it with my camera phone (mainly because I was snapping shots continuously) but was pretty impressed by the design of this particular firework.


Years ago, I was working on a production for church and needed a flash pot. It’s a prop that contains a small amount of flash powder and when ignited by a squib, produces a little burst of smoke and boom. The only place to get squibs was at a fireworks manufacturer. So I headed that direction. I drove and drove, miles and miles away from civilization until I came to the complex.


The buildings were pretty separate from one another, just in case of an explosion. I was greeted by a man with a few fingers missing, but who smiled from ear to ear. He loved his work. It was his passion. And he had given all he could for the success of this business.


I often wonder if I’m giving enough for God’s Kingdom. Sure I volunteer, I teach, I lead, I write, I do a lot for the kingdom and my local church. But is it enough?


According to a LifeWay survey, 80% of people sitting in a pew on Sunday morning believe it’s their responsibility to share the Gospel with another person. But 61% have not done so in the past six months. I’ve also heard that there are a lot of Christians who never lead another person to Christ in their lifetime. These, my friends, are disturbing statistics.


Sharing God’s message isn’t just a suggestion, but it’s a command from Jesus Himself. Jesus’ final instruction to His disciples (and to us) was to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). The only way we can accomplish this is to share the Gospel with others.


I recently watched We Bought a Zoo again. The dad in the story mentioned to his son that remarkable things could happen if he were courageous for just 20 seconds.


We all understand this concept. It’s the initial conversation or the extra step that it takes to speak or to ask. But just think of the amazing things God would do if we, as His Kingdom citizens, were courageous for just 20 seconds and invited someone to hear the Good News. What if everyone told one? The results would be greater than we could imagine.


Oh, and don’t forget, Jesus also said He would always be with us. His Spirit would always be with us. So there really is no reason to be fearful. The Holy Spirit will provide the words and the courage to open up and tel others about Jesus.


Are you doing enough? When’s the last time you shared God’s message with another? Are you willing to be courageous for 20 seconds?


I can’t wait to see what God has in store!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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