My Watch

I was 13 years old when my family anticipated the birth of a new child. There was much to prepare before this birth. It had been over a decade since a baby had joined the family. There were clothes to buy, diapers to prepare, bottles to ready, a crib to arrange and a multitude of miscellaneous items to have on hand.


Our family anticipated the birth of this little one. We were excited. We were thrilled. My younger brother prayed for a brother (two older sisters were all he could tolerate). I just wanted a baby to play with.


And then, the day arrived. Mom was in labor on a Sunday morning. However, Dad was the preacher. So Dad left her side to lead service and preach that morning.


Dad placed me by the telephone in the church office. He gave me two cards. One blue. One pink. If the call came during service, I was to hold a card up in the window at the back of the sanctuary. Blue if I had a baby brother or pink if we were bringing home a baby sister.


I recall the giddiness of waiting. I wanted it to happen during my time to watch and wait. It was a long hour. But the call didn’t come. The baby didn’t arrive on my watch.


DSC03873mI can imagine this was much the way the Israelites living during God’s silence felt. Wondering if it was the time for God to introduce His Messiah. But generation after generation, they were not the ones to see the Messiah arrive on their watch.


And then, God spoke. The Messiah was finally going to arrive. God’s promise would be fulfilled.


There were two faithful believers who God blessed with seeing the Messiah. They encountered Jesus on their watch.


Jewish custom took Mary, Joseph and Jesus to the temple on the eighth day after Jesus’ birth. There they met Simeon, a righteous and devout man, filled with the Holy Spirit.


Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God saying “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32 – NIV).


After the long wait, Simeon met Jesus. He had seen God’s salvation and it was all that he had anticipated. His life-long dream had been fulfilled. It had happened on his watch.


This trio also visited with a widowed prophetess, Anna. Anna worshipped in the temple night and day. Her faithfulness to prayer and worship were honored by God who allowed her to see the Messiah, the Savior of the world at the age of 84.


What a blessing for Anna. God honored her with the presence of the Messiah and her encounter with Jesus was all that she had been living for. In her old age, on her watch, God delivered the hope of the world.


Later in the day, a baby boy was born into our family. That little bundle brought such joy and love to our family.


Jesus’ birth brought hope, peace, joy and love to a lost world. These assurances are available to us as we place our faith and trust in Jesus. Does your world seem bleak? Do you feel like there is no hope? If so, I can point you to One who is able to make life worth living.


During this busy, crazy time of the year, I pray that the giddiness of the real Christmas season would grab hold of you. I pray that your excitement over the celebration of Jesus’ birth will come to the surface. I pray that your heart will be glad, that your soul will be full of joy and that your body will be at rest. I also pray that you will take the time to make these things happen!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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