It’s Sunday!


It’s hard to believe that today is the second Sunday of Advent. This year will be over before you know it! I pray that today you will take the time to recall the moments leading up to the birth of Jesus and remind yourself that God sent Him for you!


For my Sunday repeated blog today, I’m sharing “R” from my Blogging from A to Z in April of 2013. I pray that it will touch your heart. May God bless you abundantly today!


Rummikub – Blogging from A to Z


I’m addicted to this game. It’s actually a game that I’m pretty good at. I love sitting around the table with the tiles scattered about. I love the interaction. I love the strategy. I love the game.


CCBut I don’t get to play Rummikub this way very often. So I’ve chosen to play this game online. There is still sitting around a table (a virtual table) and there are still tiles, but they are very organized. And newbie Rummikub players are often shown how the game is supposed to “look.” There can be interaction, but I really like the strategy of my game, so I generally keep quiet.


I really enjoy the fact that I can play this particular game with people from all over the world. There is no language barrier. It’s numerical. So I might play against a person from Canada, Australia, and Greece all at the same time. We are worlds apart, but right there together playing this simple game that really has no purpose except entertainment.


There are some elements of this gaming thing that reminds me of my spiritual life. Typically, I am very organized about how I study the Bible. If I’m writing something specific, like a blog or a Bible study, I spend time reading a section of Scripture and allow God to work on me as to what it means. Then I am able to move in the direction of writing. Whether it’s coming up with questions or just writing about the passage.


Then there is the fact that I am a Christian and how many there are across this globe who also make the same claim. And because we have a common factor, we are connected. We may not be able to speak the same language, but because Jesus is our Savior, we speak His universal language. Love. Grace. Forgiveness. Hope. I love being part of God’s Church!


This fact can be traced back to the first century Church who were scattered due to persecution in Jerusalem. And wherever they went, they took Jesus with them. They shared His message with others. They lived the Christian life in their communities. And because of their efforts and God’s Hand, the Church grew by amazing numbers. Regardless of the persecution that followed, Jesus’ Name continued to be preached. People followed.


And why do you suppose this is the case?


I believe it’s because of the message. His message. I could spend days sharing His complete message, but let’s just look at his I am statements from the Gospel of John and we’ll get a very good idea of what His message was and is.


Jesus said:


“I am the Bread of Life” – John 6:35

Jesus said that anyone who comes to Him and believes in Him would never be hungry or thirsty. Jesus brings spiritual refreshment to our parched souls.


“I am the Light of the world” – John 9:5

Jesus said He would give light to those living in darkness. Jesus brings spiritual light to dark souls.


“I am the Gate for the sheep” – John 10:7

Jesus said He was the entrance to the Kingdom of heaven and will provide protection against those who would do harm to His sheep. Jesus brings spiritual entry and protection for our wandering souls.


“I am the Good Shepherd” – John 10:11

Jesus said that He would lay down His life for His sheep. Jesus brings spiritual redemption to our unsaved souls.


“I am the Resurrection and the Life” – John 11:25

Jesus said that He would provide life to those who believe in Him and that life will be eternal! Jesus brings spiritual life to our dead souls.


“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” – John 14:6

Jesus said that He was the only way to the Father. Jesus is the only way. Jesus is the only truth. Jesus is the only life. Jesus brings spiritual direction, truth, and life to our out-of-control souls.


“I am the True Vine” – John 15:1

Jesus said the He would provide all that is needed for us to grow and produce abundant fruit as long as we remain in Him and love Him. Jesus brings spiritual completion to our weary souls.


Can you understand why Jesus’ message was so exciting in the first century? Can you understand why it is relevant for our lives today? It’s the same message for a world that is still dark. He has so much to offer. It’s up to us to accept it.


Will you accept Jesus as your Savior today? Will you accept Him as everything you could ever want, wish for or hope for? If so, I’d love to talk to you. Send me a message so we can begin the dialogue.


I don’t have the opportunity to play Rummikub nearly as often as I’d like. But when I can catch a quick game, I certainly don’t pass up the opportunity. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Reading? Playing a game? Chatting with a friend?


Whatever you find yourself doing in your spare time, I pray that it’s all for God’s glory. Because that is what we are to do every day of our lives.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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