What Are You Afraid Of?


I’m studying Gideon (Judges 6, 7 and 8) this semester and God has already opened my eyes to lessons being taught by Priscilla Shirer.


Slide22Israel had been given the land flowing with milk and honey. Their real estate was a large portion of land from the Mediterranean Sea to beyond the Jordan River. From the wilderness to their south and as far north as Mt. Herman. As you read through the distribution land, you see that each tribe was given a specific piece of land and commanded to conquer the people living within those boundaries.


But if you look at a map that has the actual land they possessed highlighted, you will find that they had given up a great deal of valuable land to the enemy.


Scripture tells us that they were fearful of the iron chariots that the armies on the plains used. The Israelites chose to fight in the hill country where these chariots were useless. The hill country was where Israel knew they were superior and that’s where they landed.


What they never quite understood was that it wasn’t their own abilities that brought their victory. Oh I suppose they learned a few military skills and were able to fight well, but God didn’t send them to the Promised Land to be on their own. God wanted them to trust Him. To follow His commandments. To love Him with all their heart, soul and strength.


In Psalm 20:7 (NIV) King David spoke these words of wisdom. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”


What is it that you are fearful of? What has the enemy made you believe you could never have? Why are you hiding in the hill country when there are great victories to be won? Could it be that you are not trusting in the Almighty God who is able to do “immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine?” (Ephesians 3:20-21 – NIV)


Maybe today is the day that we stop living within our own boundaries and step foot into the place that God has already given. There will probably be a few battles to take on along the way, but I believe we can move forward because the victory has already been won through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Let’s not trust in ourselves or our own abilities or our own strength. Let’s trust in the name of the Lord our God. The victory is ours!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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