Ohio Respite #3 – Day 1 – Musical Musings in March


I’ll be in Ohio the rest of the week getting Mom settled at home. There will be no time to write, so please enjoy older Musical Musings in March posts. Have a great first full week of Spring!


“The New 23rd” – Musical Musings in March


???????????????????????????????Today’s melody is from another great song writer. Ralph Carmichael. It’s true that Mr. Carmichael is credited with some secular tunes (including the soundtrack to The Blob in 1958), he has been faithful to use his talent to bring others to Jesus through his music.


It’s been years since I’ve thought of today’s melody. I’ve read and re-read the Psalm it is based upon many times, but this song has been stored away in the recesses of my melodious heart. Now, however, the memories of this song are flowing.


It was popular when I was a child and it could be heard in church services or television programs (perhaps you remember some of those) or conventions. It was beautiful sung with full orchestration or a cappella. It was meaningful whether sung by a great choir or a soloist in the local church. And if given the chance, I’m sure it would be the same today.


You see, the message is timeless. Psalm 23 has been used throughout generations to comfort the hurting. To give hope to those who need a boost. To give guidance to those who have lost their way.


Today I pray that you’ll find what you need in this version of the 23rd Psalm. It has been especially meaningful to me.


“The New 23rd


Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything that I need.

He lets me rest in meadows green and leads me beside the quiet stream;

He keeps on giving life to me and helps me to do what honors Him the most.

Even when walking through the dark valley of death, valley of death,

I will never be afraid, for he is close beside me,

Guarding, guiding all the way;

He spreads a feast before me

In the presence of my enemies.

He welcomes me as His special guest.

With blessing overflowing, His goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life

And afterward I will live with Him forever, forever in His home,

Forever in His home, forever in His home.[i]


Christine Wyrtzen’s version of this song can be heard by clicking here.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “The New 23rd”, Words and Music by Ralph Carmichael; based on Psalm 23, Lexicon Music, Inc., 1969.

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