“I” – Blogging A to Z


Just to remind you of why I’m singling out specific letters of the alphabet, this is the third year I’ve accepted the challenge of blogging through the alphabet. Each day of the month is assigned a letter and our challenge is to write about that letter.


iAs I mentioned on April 1, I found an article in Good Housekeeping with ways to improve your attitude or energize your happiness. And it was in A to Z form. I’ve been using this article as my guide for each day’s writing and what a list we’ve covered so far.


Today, we are going to inhale. In this article, the author states, “Breath in through your nose for four counts, hold your breath for one and exhale through your mouth for five to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Aim for three mindful breaths an hour.”[i]


I don’t know why this works. Maybe it’s because we breathe like we do everything else in our lives. We are always in a hurry. We rarely slow down to enjoy our lives. So it makes sense that our breathing is the same. And let’s face it, if we are breathing at all, we are alive. So why take the extra time and thought to take a deep breath?


Because it feels good to take a deep breath. So it’s no wonder that inhaling made the list for happiness/attitude boosters.


Once again, the word inhale is not in Scripture. But the word breath or breathe is. So we’ll work with these words instead.


Do you recall the first time this word is used in Scripture? If you guessed the full account of when Adam was created, you were close, but we find this word earlier in Genesis. Take a look at Genesis 1:30 from The Voice. “As for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and every small creeping creature – everything that breathes the breath of life—I have given them every green plant for food.”


From the beginning of creation, God created everything to take a breath. The breath of life. But then, we read the detailed creation of man. It is in these words that we find the real meaning behind breathing.


“One day the Eternal God scooped dirt out of the ground, sculpted it into the shape we call human, breathed the breath that gives life into the nostrils of the human, and the human became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7 – The Voice)


As Adam inhaled for the first time that day, he breathed in God’s breath. And in that breath, a living soul was created. I sit here this morning in awe of our great and powerful God who so gently filled Adam’s lungs with His breath. God’s desire for mankind to live and breathe for Him was so great that He was willing to give of Himself. In this small way, we see the generousness of our heavenly Father.


I’m using The Voice today for my Scripture references. Not for any other reason except that it kind of stirs things up a bit. The phrases are different than my usual New International Version and in some cases, there is more detail to what the verse has to say.


Numbers 27:18a (The Voice) uses a phrase that I love. Take a look. “Single out Joshua (Nun’s son). In him is the breath of My Spirit…” I like this terminology because it helps us to see that life is possible and available because of God’s Spirit.


Is the breath of God’s Spirit upon you today? Are you inhaling God’s Spirit deeply and intentionally?


If you are in need of an attitude booster, you need to inhale. Inhale the breath of God’s Spirit and in Him you will find transformation. Your countenance will be lifted. Your outlook on life will be changed. You will find inexpressible joy as you breathe deeply of the Holy Spirit.


Now. Inhale.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “More Bliss, Less Stress: A to Z Happiness Boosters to Try Today,” Jennifer Rainey Marquez, Good Housekeeping, Vol. 260, No. 4, page 114.

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