Party Time!


It’s a super busy day. Thursday was my granddaughter Joy’s 9th birthday. It’s hard to believe she is turning into this beautiful young lady. So I’ve been preparing for her birthday party that will take place tomorrow.


birthdayI decided on a book themed party (I’ll share pictures after I get everything done) and have chosen some wonderful children’s stories to add to the mix.


After all this preparation, I’m kind of hoping that my next birthday party has a book theme as well. But I don’t want a party with popular books of today. I want it to be centered around the book…the Bible!


I envision vivid pictures of accounts from Scripture. The creation. Noah and the ark. Joshua at the walls of Jericho. Daniel in the lion’s den. The birth of Jesus. Jesus preaching by the Sea of Galilee. The resurrection of Jesus. The day of Pentecost. Paul before the Roman court. John’s vision from Revelation.


I can just imagine how wonderful it would be. Looking at the pictures and retelling the accounts of each scene. That would be a great birthday party.


What party theme would you chose?


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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