Thank You, Lord! – Blogging A to Z (Sabbatical Post)


I believe every day should be a day of thanksgiving. But today, I am especially thankful for all that God has blessed me and my family with. I have a warm home on this cold morning. I have a loving husband who cares for me so well. I have a job! I have three beautiful children and three little blessings called grandchildren.


I am thankful for the snow that is falling (yes, it’s snowing again in my neck of the woods). I’m thankful for my parents who taught me about God’s love. I’m thankful for Jesus who made my salvation possible. I’m thankful for a church family with whom I can praise Jesus. I’m thankful for good health. I’m thankful for…well, I believe this list could continue a while, but I think you get the idea. I am thankful.


I recall a short song we used to sing as I was growing up. Sometimes it was at camp around a campfire. Sometimes it was in a worship service. Whenever it was chosen, the message was simple. The message declared thankfulness. The message was of God’s love for me.


Today I share the song, “Thank You, Lord,” written by Seth and Bessie Sykes. Included are the verses (which we never sang), and what I liked about these words are how encompassing they are. Yes, we should thank God for all of these things, but most of all, we should thank God for what He’s done.


So take a look at these words and listen to this little song if you’d like. There is a link below to do so. “Thank You, Lord.”


Some thank the Lord for friends and home,

For mercies sure and sweet;

But I would praise Him for His grace

In prayer I would repeat:



Some thank Him for the flow’rs that grow,

Some for the stars that shine;

My heart is filled with joy and praise,

Because I know He’s mine.



I trust in Him from day to day,

I prove His saving grace;

I’ll sing this song of praise to Him

Until I see His face.




Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul,

Thank you, Lord, for making me whole;

Thank you, Lord, for giving to me

Thy great salvation so rich and free.[i]


You surely would love to listen to this reminder to be thankful and you can do so by clicking here.


God has certainly blessed us and deserves our thankfulness. So let’s look at just a few of the blessings God has lavished upon us and why we should be thankful.


We are to be thankful that His love just keeps going. It never gives up on us. Ever! “Thank the Lord because he is good. His love continues forever.” (Psalm 107:1 – NCV)


We are to be thankful for victory! As we are led to victory in Jesus, God is able to use us for His mighty purpose. “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume.” (2 Corinthians 2:14 – NCV)


We are to be thankful for stability in God’s Kingdom. When everything around us may be shifting or even sinking, God’s Kingdom stands firm! “So let us be thankful, because we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken.” (Hebrews 12:28a – NCV)


We are to be thankful for God. Our praise should come from grateful hearts and His Name should always be our lips. “So through Jesus let us always offer to God our sacrifice of praise, coming from lips that speak his name.” (Hebrews 13:15 – NCV)


We are to be thankful all the time. This passage tells us how to do so. “As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, go continue to live in him. Keep your roots deep in him and have your lives built on him. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always be thankful.” (Colossians 2:6-7 – NCV) We are to continue living in Jesus, keep our roots deep, build our lives on Jesus, and be strong in our faith. This is the path to thankfulness.


We are to be thankful by sharing with others. This passage speaks to singing, but it also shows that we are to encourage one another through instruction. When we are firm in Christ’s teaching, wisdom will flow from us, like little musical notes. “Let the teaching of Christ live in you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and instruct each other by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16 – NCV)


I’d say there is plenty to be thankful for. Perhaps you are struggling with health or a financial situation and you aren’t feeling as thankful as I am today. You can still be thankful for the reasons listed above. Our hearts are to be overflowing with thanksgiving to our Father in heaven, regardless of our situation here on earth.


So what are you thankful for? I would love to hear about your thankful heart today. It would make my day!


Today let’s choose to be thankful. Today let’s choose to thank the One who has given us so much. Today let’s choose to be kind and gracious. Today let’s give thanks.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] Thank You, Lord, Seth and Bessie Sykes, 1940, 1968 renewal by Singspiration Music.

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