All is Calm (Sabbatical Post)


I’ve recently found a recipe on Pinterest for something to help with the calming of children. It’s called a calming jar and it is to be used during time out or any time a child need to focus their attention on something other than the situation at hand.


DSC00374I wonder how this might work on adults? Put one of these jars into the hands of someone who is angry or disgruntled and just maybe, their attitude might change? It might be worth a try in some instances.


But for me, I know where my calm comes from. It’s not from a jar. It’s not from myself (I know for a fact that I can get pretty worked up). It can’t be bought. It isn’t found in a location. My calm and my peace comes from God and His Holy Spirit who lives within me.


I’ve been on several interviews over the past three years and finally decided to be honest when asked the question, “How do you deal with a difficult customer/patient/client?” I can almost guarantee my response was the reason I wasn’t chosen for the job interviewing for.


So you’re probably asking, “What did you say?” Well, let me tell you.


First, I told them I would pray. Ask God to be in the middle of the situation and direct my words and my actions.


Second, I told them I would rely on the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead and guide me through the situation.


I must be honest, this method doesn’t work 100% of the time. It only works when I am open to the God and His Spirit to work in me. There are occasions when I miss the opportunity and the old me shows up instead of the God-working-in-me me.


So my response would still be the same if I were to go on an interview today. However, I must be willing to initiate this plan in order for it to work correctly.


I believe that God’s Spirit has a great effect on me and my emotions. When I allow Him to work through me, it is amazing what He can accomplish. I am calm. I am at peace. I am open to opportunities. I am a reflection of Him.


When I don’t allow the Holy Spirit to work through me, I am frenzied. I am uncertain. I am in turmoil. I am a reflection of me.


So today, as we head out into this world, let’s be mindful of how we act. Let’s be prepared to ask God’s Spirit to step in when necessary. Let’s be focused on what God wants us to do instead of what we want to do. Let’s use God’s Spirit. He is much more effective than a calming jar!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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