Did You Miss Me?


I don’t know what I was thinking yesterday. For the first time in over four years, I didn’t post something on my blog! Really? Was that habit so easy to forget? Apparently it was.


I did have a plan. You know how last week I posted the teaching portion from my Peter Bible study on Thursday afternoon? That was my plan again this week. Once Bible study was done, I was going to share with you what I shared with my ladies.


The problem was that I never thought of it once I left my office yesterday morning. I went to work. Then went to Bible study. Then shared with my ladies. Then tucked it all away to prepare for our women’s big event last night. And that was really the problem.


I was so excited about LOL (Laugh Out Loud) that everything else faded into the background. Now I needed it to be this way. I had final details to finish up and I needed to prepare myself for the evening. But to forget to post a blog? I was pretty disappointed in myself.


And here’s another thing. I didn’t even think of it until this morning! And here’s another thing. I could have scheduled the blog post for later in the day. Mishap could have been avoided. But it wasn’t.


Okay, enough of this rants for now. I must apologize both to you my reader and to God. I messed up.


Now let me tell you about last night. I had a dream last fall to bring ladies together in the middle of winter to laugh. I wanted our winter RealLIFE event to be fun and light-hearted. The planning began. We searched for comedians and never found someone. We wondered about getting our own improve team together, but in the end, we decided to bring in the professionals.


That’s the best decision we could have made. We titled our evening LOL (Laugh Out Loud) because that’s what we wanted ladies to do. We hired Madcap Improv Theater group to come and make us laugh. We started selling tickets. We publicized every way we could imagine. And we prayed a lot. And then February 11th rolled around.


Now I must admit that this was a big leap of faith. But it paid off. There were 354 ladies in Rocky’s brand new worship auditorium that laughed and laughed for over an hour. We learned a little bit about laughter and how it fits in with our daily walk with Christ. We met new friends and greeted old friends. And in the end, we called it a success.


Proverbs 17:22 (NIV) says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” I don’t know about you, but I would much rather be laughing.


I pray that the ladies who attended last night are still laughing at some of the skits we watched. They were funny and helped us to remember that laughter is good for the soul.


I pray that you will find something to laugh at today. Laugh out loud. Giggle. Have some fun. You might just bring a smile to someone’s face.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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