“V” – A to Z Challenge


I sure wish today’s letter was the letter “u” because I could talk about umbrellas! It is raining and storming here this morning. But it’s not the letter “u” I’ll be writing about today. Today is all about the “v.”


vI was a gardener years ago. I loved to be in the garden. I loved the process of gardening. I loved the produce harvested from the garden. I loved the garden.


When I moved to Colorado nearly 12 years ago, we attempted a garden. What I found here though, was that it was a lot more work! With the dry climate and the drought, there were always plants to water in the garden. That large garden only happened one time.


So I thought I’d try a few tomato plants…and then I finally gave up. It’s just too difficult for me to grow a single thing in Colorado. Or perhaps my desires have changed. Regardless, I don’t garden any longer.


One thing that I do remember about gardening is that when you plant a vegetable that grows on a vine, you better give it lots of space. Those vine will twist and turn and climb and grow. They are amazing plants.


Another thing I remember about vines is that there are always hidden vegetables under the leaves. If you miss a yellow squash or zucchini you can count on getting a fairly large vegetable that is big enough to feed an army.


So with the craziness that comes with vines, I wonder why Jesus referred to Himself as the Vine in John 15:5? I think I have an idea.


Even though the branches of these vines go crazy and wild, the vine itself is well-rooted and established. As followers of Jesus, we can be attached to the Vine and receive all the nutrients and stability it provides, but sometimes we just go crazy and wild. Sometimes it’s a good thing and other times, not so much. This is an area where we need to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and allow His to move in the direction God has already prepared in advance for us.


Another thing about the branches are they go, go, go. As believers, we are to do the same. Go. Where? Wherever the Lord takes you. It may be across the street, across town or across the world, but we must go. We cannot keep this beautiful message to ourselves.


Which brings me to the hidden fruit on the branch. We cannot keep the fruit of the Spirit hidden. We must produce fruit and we must show our fruit to others. Are you hiding a talent or a skill that God could use for His Kingdom? You know that’s not why you have that talent or skill, right?


Are you hiding some bad fruit? You know those secret sins that you don’t want anyone to know about? If so, those sins need to be brought out into the light and dealt with. There’s no hiding from God.


And finally, when a branch is cut from the vine, it will die. The life is in the vine. This is such a vital piece to this analogy. We cannot survive unless we are connected to Jesus Christ and His people. Don’t isolate yourself from the Lord or others. Get connected and stay connected. That is where you will find abundant life.


As we go through our day today, let’s think of the many ways we can represent Christ (the Vine) as His Church (the branches) by being His hands and feet, by moving throughout our community, by showing the fruit that is produced in our lives and by staying connected.


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 – NIV)


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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