Another Year, Another Celebration


Here we are again in the middle of our calendar year and it’s a time to celebrate the birth of America! 240 years ago, our forefathers wondered what it would be like to live outside of the oppression they felt from Great Britain. Through sacrifice and a bitter war, America was free. Their dreams had come true.


DSC02411mI pray that today you won’t take their sacrifice and dream for granted.


As you prepare to worship this Sunday morning, I pray that you will find great joy and abundant life in Jesus. Now that is worth celebrating!


Sunday is the day I repeat a blog post, so here’s today’s post. Have a blessed day!


Air Plants


If you know me well at all you know that I kill plants. Not that I mean to, but I find that I either over water or forget to water. I’ve never found the balance of caring for plants.


I will admit that I love seeing beautiful gardens. Maybe it’s because I’m so plant challenged that I’m in awe of anyone who is able to produce such beauty. Maybe it’s because I am reminded of my grandmother’s flower beds that she cared for so tenderly. Whatever the reason, seeing a beautifully landscaped garden warms my heart.


I’ve received plants as gifts in the past and as soon as I accepted them, I’ve known the fate of these unsuspecting beauties. They would soon wither up and die or their soil would be covered in mold.


Recently someone offered me a plant. I declined. I didn’t want another plant’s death on my hands.


However, in my new beach office, I wanted something green. So I remembered the Air Plant. Surely I could care for it. Well, actually my thought process was that it would take care of itself. You know, very little effort or work on my part. Ha!


I purchased two and brought them home. Then I did the research for how to care for these plants. It appears that these little gems capture their life-giving nutrients from the air and the sunshine. There’s no dirt (which is nice because remember I manage to get mold all over that stuff). However, they do need a good spritzing about once a week. And the spritzing needs to have some nutrients in it.


So my care-free plants that I so hoped to enjoy have turned out to be a little more work than I first imagined. So now I have to remember every Friday to give them a good spray. So far I’ve done my part and they actually seem to be growing!


I am reminded of the image in the Book of Isaiah when Israel was described as “…a garden without water.” (Isaiah 1:30b – NIV) They were a rebellious nation and had suffered. They were being punished for their rebellion.


But Isaiah continued to give Israel hope throughout the book and in Isaiah 58:11b (NIV) he assures them, “…you will be like a well-watered garden…”


Yes, if Israel was willing to put their rebellion behind them, if they were willing to stop the blaming and gossiping, if they were willing to give to those in need, if they did as God asked them, God would rescue them.


If Israel allowed God to lead them, they could once again be great. A great light would shine from Israel. Their broken lives could be repaired. Their ruined spirits could be restored. Through the Repairer and Restorer. God.


We have the choice to be one of these two gardens. If we are rebellious against God, then we can expect to be a garden without water. If we are obedient to God, then we can expect to be a well-watered garden.


Isaiah also spoke of the coming Messiah throughout this Messianic prophetic book. We know this Messiah to be Jesus. Jesus, the Living Water. “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him like a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14 – NIV)


Through Jesus we have the opportunity to be a well-watered garden, with abundant life.


Plants and gardens are green when water is present. We too can be green (spiritually healthy) when Jesus is present in our lives and when we seek out the watering holes.


The watering holes of prayer, Bible study, Bible reading, fellowship with other Christians, worship, and serving others. By continually visiting these watering holes, we will always be green and will have the Lord to guide us in all we say and do.


I haven’t done so well with the plant thing, but I’m so thankful that I am much better at tending to my spiritual life. I’m thankful that my relationship with Jesus showers Living Water upon me. I’m thankful that the “spiritual gardener” within me has a green thumb.


How are you doing with this? Are you green (spiritually)? Does the grass (your spiritual life) crunch under the footsteps of your day-to-day life? Are you parched? Are you feeling the drought of separation from God and His people?


There is an easy fix. A relationship with Jesus Christ in which you can have Living Water. And through the Living Water you will be bubbling with abundant life. Now, who wouldn’t want that?


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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