Intentional Living


I’ve been in two long days of leadership training through Willow Creek. As usual, there were some awesome speakers and I have pages of notes to go over to find the best of the best pieces of wisdom that I can use in my work life, my personal life or my spiritual life. It’s kind of overwhelming.


DSC00374But what I love about the Global Leader’s Summit is that this same information can be used in any business or church. These tools and tips are useful whether I’m running a women’s ministry at church or a coffee shop up the street. These are the best practices of influential leaders across the globe.


While there were some great leadership tips, one session in particular was geared toward anyone. John Maxwell reminded us to live intentionally by adding value to people. Let me tell you his thoughts on how we can add value to people every day.


First, we must value people. As we think of this idea, remember all the instances in the Gospels where Jesus valued people. The woman at the well. Zacchaeus. The woman with the bleeding disorder. Jesus valued each of these people and He showed it. I believe we can be a lot more like Jesus in this area.


Next, think of ways to add value to people. Be prepared ahead of time and know how you can add value to another person in different settings. Jesus thought of the woman at the well long before He sat down at that well. He knew He would encounter her. And we can do the same. We need to give ourselves margin in our lives where we can actually spend time with someone is just one way to be prepared.


And then we need to look for ways to add value to people. Mr. Maxwell called these people “added value liver’s” and “added value looker’s. I am not as good at this one as I should be. I don’t tend to look people in the eye…if I don’t, I won’t see the hurt they’re feeling or understand the need they have. If I don’t know about it, I don’t have to do anything about it. But that’s not the way Jesus lived His life.


Then we can add value to others. What we’ve thought of and prepared to do and seen, we need to do it. We need to meet a need. We need to speak to someone. Maybe we need to embrace someone. The point here is to do it.


And finally, we need to encourage others to add value to others. This isn’t something I can keep to myself, so I’m sharing it here, with you, my readers. Follow these same ideas and you too can live an intentional living life.


I want to end by sharing a quote from John Maxwell. He says, “When you change your thinking from ‘What am I going to receive?’ to ‘What am I going to give?’ your entire life begins to turn around.”


Paul wrote in Acts 20:35 (NIV) that Jesus said, “’It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” If we believe Jesus said these words, then our lives must show it.


What do you need to change in your life so that you can live an intentional life? How can you show others that you value them? What steps do you need to take to make a difference in another’s life?


I know where my weakness is and I intend to be more intentional in looking for ways I can add value to other’s lives. I pray that you will not just think of this as another nice post, but that you will actually take these words to heart and allow God’s Spirit to massage it. Let Him do the leading…but join Him on the journey.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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