“Step Into the Water” – Monday Musical Musings

Well, it’s Monday…my last day of time away with Mason for our anniversary. And one of my favorite things that I was able to do this weekend was to wade in the water of the Colorado River.




As I stood there, the words to the song, “Step Into the Water” came to mind. Take a look at them.



Step into the water, wade out a little bit deeper;

Wet your feet in the water of his love.

Step into the water, wade out a little bit deeper;

Come join Angels singing praises to the Lamb of God.


It’s time we the people, stand up for what is right,

It’s time we squared our shoulders back and raised our swords to fight.

For the Bible is my weapon and the Spirit is my shield.

The Church needs more of its members to be workers in the field.



There is victory for the Christian who walks the narrow way,

There has been a prize appointed for the soul who does not stray.

Though I want to live for Jesus and be all that I can be,

So that I can rest with Him forever, live eternally.



I believe we can all learn a lesson from these lyrics. When we step out in faith, we can believe that God will do remarkable things in our lives. And the very cool thing is that we have His Spirit within us to battle the evil one. His Word is our sword…what an awesome piece of armor we have been given.


So, as you go through your day, think of the many ways God has asked you to step out into the water and then take the step…maybe go a little bit deeper.


Now if you want to listen to this great song, click here.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




“Step Into the Water,” written by Kirk Talley, Kirk Talley Music, 1982.



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