“He’s Everything to Me” – Musical Musings in March

Today, I’m taking you back to 1964. I know I didn’t hear this song that year, but soon after. It became a popular song at camp, at youth group and as a special number in a worship service.


“He’s Everything to Me” not only had a wonderful melody that was easy to sing and calmed a spirit, but the words drew us into the message. God is a great big wonderful God. Yes, this is true. But until I was touched personally by this wonderful God, it really didn’t matter.


So take a look at the words and maybe listen to the song. “He’s Everything to Me” makes my list for all-time favorites.


“He’s Everything to Me”


In the stars His handiwork I see,
On the wind He speaks with majesty,
Though He ruleth over land and sea,
What is that to me?


I will celebrate Nativity,
for it has a place in history
Sure, He came to set His people free
What is that to me?


Till by faith I met Him face to face
and I felt the wonder of his grace
Then I knew that He was more
than just a God who didn’t care
That lived a way out there


And now He walks beside
me day by day,
Ever watching over me lest I stray,
Helping me to find that narrow way
He’s Everything To Me.[i]


If you click on the following link, you’ll hear a great version of this song. I have no idea what movie it was in, but it was so good, I knew it was the video I had to share with you. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S5AknvJAUU


Meeting Jesus face to face and feeling (knowing) His grace. Having a personal relationship with Jesus and spending time with Him. Allowing His Spirit to lead and guide us. That is what life is about. That is the message we are to share with others.


I’ve recently been pointed to a phrase in Colossians that has taken on new meaning for me. See if you don’t feel the same.


In Colossians 3, the apostle Paul shares some rules for holy living. The guidelines (or commands) he shares in this chapter set the boundaries for us. They tell us what is acceptable and what is not. If you haven’t read this chapter lately, maybe you should.


But what I want to share with you are the words found in Colossians 3:4 (NIV). “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”


Jesus doesn’t just give meaning to our life. This verse tells us that Christ is our life. I’d say that constitutes everything, don’t you?


Is Jesus everything to you? Is He your life? Praise God if you said “yes.” If you said “no,” please let me share what it means for Jesus to be everything to you. It will be the best decision you’ve ever made.


We are at day eleven of Musical Musings in March. I have such a long list of song titles facing me each day that I am certain I could write April Arias, May Melodies, and June Jingles. But I will spare you. I promise March will be my musical month.


I still look forward to hearing of the music that has impacted your life. Don’t be shy. Just drop me a line. I really would love to hear from you!


Have a blessed Monday and work week. And keep on singing!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] He’s Everything to Me, Ralph Carmichael, 1964

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2 Responses to ““He’s Everything to Me” – Musical Musings in March”

  1. Leese says:

    I’m going to stop reading back and further or I’m just going to keep finding things to comment on. I keep telling myself to resist commenting, but then I just can’t help it because there’s just something that strikes a cord and I have to! Ha!

    Now this is a song I REALLY haven’t heard for ages…like two decades or so ago. But it brings up such precious memories! Oh how your blog has made me smile tonight.

    (And, in the interest of not commenting again tonight – ha ha – I was reading your post a little further back about loneliness and even if you’re physically isolated you don’t need to be emotionally isolated and take advantage of technology, etc. That’s actually part of why I decided to do the A-Z thing this year and not just my normal little bit of blogging I do…I AM physically isolated right now and most days it would be so much easier to withdraw, so this is forcing me to be “out there” somewhere every day this month. Your post is very true in that regard!)

  2. dsisler says:

    I’m so thankful you are doing the A to Z Challenge. While I understand technology has it’s draw backs and can lead to isolation, there are many who find it comforting and are able to connect with so many because of it. I have “met” many wonderful friends through technology and as I told one of them, “if we never meet this side of heaven, we will at the feet of Jesus.” So I say the same to you Leese. I pray that you’ll have a blessed day!


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