One – Blogging from A to Z

In high school, I was part of a wonderful choral group. It was exciting and we had some great performances. I remember a specific concert when we performed a montage of music from the musical “A Chorus Line.”


One of the snippets was from the song “One.” At the time, this tune didn’t mean a great deal to me, but as I look at it through spiritual lenses, I can see my Heavenly Father in each line. Take a look at the words and see if you don’t agree.


One singular sensation
Every little step he takes.
One thrilling combination
Every move that he makes.
One smile and suddenly nobody else will do;
You know you’ll never be lonely with you know who.
One moment in his presence
And you can forget the rest.
For the guy is second best
To none,
Ooooh! Sigh! Give him your attention.
Do I really have to mention?
He’s the One!


Yes, God is the One! The One who created our world and universe. The One who created mankind in His image. The One who performed mighty acts throughout Scripture. The One who exhibited gentle deeds through the ages. The One who offers forgiveness and grace to those who accept Him. The One who seeks to strengthen those who are fully committed to Him.


He is the One! The One who sees us. The Mighty One of Jacob. The One who is our Mediator. The One who is the Lord. The One who is the true God. The One who is our Redeemer. The One who is the Lawgiver. The One who is seated on the Throne. The One who holds all authority and power. The One who is God and Father over all. The One who is over all and through all and in all.


The One who leads and guides. The One who offers eternal life. The One who is faithful and true. The One who is the Good Shepherd. The One who is the Head of the Church. The One who is truth. The One who is an Advocate. The One who heals. The One who is Messiah. The One who is Jehovah. The One who brings comfort.


There is no doubt about it, He is the One!


Shall I go on?


The One who is the Ancient of Days. The One who is the consuming fire. The One who is the fountain of living waters. The One who is my salvation. The One who is my husband. The One who is the keeper. The One who sanctifies. The One who is anointed. The One who is the Bread of Life. The One who is the Bridegroom. The One who is the Living Stone. The One who is life.


The One who is the Messenger. The One who is the great Physician. The One who is the King of kings and Lord of lords. The One who is the hope of glory. The One who is Immanuel. The one who is our deliverer. The One who is faithful. The One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The One who is the power of the Highest. The One who provides wisdom.


He is the One!


Isaiah 44:6 (NIV) tells us what God says about Himself. “This is what the Lord says—Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.” God Himself tells us that He is the One!


I am so thankful that my God is able to help me through the difficulties of life through His Holy Spirit and that I have found abundant grace through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Through His Oneness with His Son and Spirit, I am able to receive all that I need through Him. He is the One!


I am certain I haven’t listed all of the descriptions of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit above. But what I can tell you is that I believe each one that I’ve listed. God is all of these and so much more. He is the One!


Perhaps one of these descriptions has touched you today. If so, why not tell me about it? I’d love to hear from you (click here to leave a comment).


Perhaps I’ve missed one that really helps you through your day. If so, I’d love to hear from you too (click here to leave a comment).


Give Him your attention. One moment in His presence will change you forever. Because, He is the One!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] One, A Chorus Line, music by Marvin Hamlisch, lyrics by Edward Kleban, 1975.

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4 Responses to “One – Blogging from A to Z”

  1. Tyrean says:

    He is the One!!!

  2. dsisler says:

    Amen Tyrean!


  3. Cindy says:

    I love how you’ve taken a life event and bring a spiritual lesson into it.

  4. dsisler says:

    Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from people who read my blog! I believe God shows up in every situation…we simply need to have our spiritual eyes open to see Him. So this really is my writing style. Maybe you’ll be back! 🙂


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