
I’ve mentioned my attraction to food art before in some of my blog posts. I love the creativity. Transforming one thing into another. The ability to take an ordinary object and turn it into something completely different and extraordinary.


I’ve been able to work with artistic medium on occasion and have loved each creation. I do believe if I spent more time at it, I could even create some masterpieces.


Take this penguin village. It’s not the first one I’ve made and it will not be the last. But each time I put these little guys together the better they become. The first one I made was exactly like the photograph. However, I find that I add new elements to each village and while it may be similar, it is different.


But the thing about food art is that it isn’t lasting. These are temporary pieces of art. They are made of food and food will eventually deteriorate. It will rot. Become spoiled. Shrivel up. Then the beauty that was once found in the piece is gone.


Jesus spoke of such things in Matthew 6. He knew how possessions of this world would deteriorate and how we might be affected if we placed too high a priority on earthly possessions. Take a look at Jesus’ words.


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21 – NIV)


Treasures in this world and in this life surely will not last. The elements in our world will eventually destroy all that we know as earthly treasures. And what we may consider “treasure” here on earth will probably not be held in such honor by our future grandchildren. Recall your last visit to an antique shop for perspective on earthly treasures.


So what does this mean to us today? I’m not saying we can’t have nice earthly possessions. I have plenty of them in my home. I like them. But it all comes down to whether or not I place my earthly possessions above my relationship with Jesus.


My treasure in heaven is far more important than my treasures on earth. My perspective is heavenward. My goal is eternity with my Savior. Nothing can get between me and that goal. Nothing.


Especially earthly possessions.


With all of the wildfires burning in my state and neighboring states, it has become more important to think of what is most valuable to me and what I would save if I had to evacuate. Photographs of my children and grandchildren are probably the most important. They cannot be replaced. I can’t go back in time to recreate those photo ops (although there was a commercial that did). So yes, those are probably the most important possessions I have.


But that’s it. That’s all I would insist on taking with me if I had to evacuate. Everything else can be replaced. In the end, nothing in this world is worth risking lives over.


What does this heavenly perspective look like in your life? Are you able to put Jesus before everything else in this world? What keeps you from storing up treasure in heaven? What does your heart love? Where is your treasure?


As I look at these questions, I realize that I must reflect on my own life to determine what this looks like for me. Maybe possessions aren’t as important, but there are other things that are. Food. Laziness. Focus. Sometimes these things jump in front of Jesus for me and then my perspective becomes earthly instead of heavenly.


I see clearly what keeps me from storing up treasure in heaven in my own life. I look forward to breaking the earthly habits that interrupt my spiritual life. In their place, I will develop holy habits that lead me heavenward.


I pray that you’re able to look at your life through Jesus’ eyes to determine what needs to be changed. What needs to be transformed. What needs His touch. I pray that your heart will seek God. I pray that the things of this world will diminish in their importance and that your heavenly treasures will become most important. I pray all of these things for myself as well.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




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