The Tree Farm

Several years ago, I sang a song for my brother on one of his visits about how to get to my house. These are the words.


“You take I-25 to exit 235. Then 2 miles east to the Sisler’s.”


He thought I was creative. He thought I was clever. Until he heard the song on a television commercial. Not only did he recognize the tune, but the words were even similar.


Yes, I had taken the commercial jingle for a local company and replaced their words with my own.


“You take I-25 to exit 235. Then 5 miles west to the Tree Farm.”


I pass by the Tree Farm each day as I go to work and to church. They have a beautifully landscaped business and I just love looking down the rows of trees with well-groomed sod between the rows. They take great pride in the appearance of their business and it shows.


Jesus shared a few words about trees and their fruit. In Matthew 7:15-20 and Luke 6:43-45, we find similar words. But in the Matthew passage, Jesus starts this section with the lesson we are to learn from trees.


“Watch out for false prophets.” (Matthew 7:15a – NIV) These teachers who profess to speak truth but instead speak falsely know how to sneak in and lead some astray. Now they may not fool everyone, but when our hearts and minds are not wrapped around God’s Word, it’s easy to be misled.


This is just another urging on my part for each of you to be students of God’s Word. Know what the Bible has to say. Understand the principles found within Its pages. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into truth when listening to teachers. Watch out for false teaching.


If we read on through these verses, we see what Jesus has to say about trees. “Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matthew 7:17-19 – NIV)


I would say, each of us could spot the obvious false teacher. Those who are self-seeking. Those who only want your money. Those who preach or teach the health/wealth gospel. Those whose doctrine is drastically different from Scripture.


But what about the teacher who seems to be leading with sound, biblical principles? How can we tell the good from the bad? Jesus tells us that by looking at the fruit produced, we can determine false teachers from those who teach truth. What fruit are we looking for?


There’s a list in Galatians 5:22-23. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”


The characteristics found in these two verses help us to spot false teachers. Look at their lives. See what fruit is being produced. And not just when they are in “teacher” mode. If you have any suspicion of false teaching, take a deeper look into how they live their lives. If good fruit isn’t evident, it’s obviously bad fruit.


James makes a good point about becoming a teacher. If you think it’s for the faint of heart, think again. “Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1 – NIV)


That’s a little scary. But when I approach teaching under the direction of God’s Holy Spirit, I know I will be within the “good fruit” boundaries. Under His leading, I am able to lead others into truth.


Now I’m not saying that I haven’t made mistakes (inside and outside the teaching realm). I have. And for those I’ve asked for forgiveness from both God and my students. I’ve misspoke. I’ve misquoted. I’ve placed my foot in my mouth. The sign of a humble teacher is when they admit they are wrong. It’s in those moments when God is able to use the good teacher as a lesson.


I look at the line of trees at the Tree Farm and I see good fruit. Efforts on their part are obvious. I pray that today you will look for and find the good fruit in the lives of those who are teaching you. With your eyes focused on God’s Word, your heart open to His teaching, and the Holy Spirit leading it will be easy to spot the good from the bad.


“For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45b – NIV)


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




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