“The Church” – Monday Musical Musings

I have enjoyed singing for a very long time. Through the years I’ve sung in many choirs of many sizes and they each brought a joy to my heart…well maybe not some of the difficult pieces we had to sing in college choir, but apparently there is great value to singing with a group of people.


0005030206R-849x565I came across this study that speaks to this very topic. Take a look.


“A study finds singing in the choir is good for your heart. When people sing in a choir their heartbeats synchronize, according to new research. The study found the pulse of choir members tends to increase and decrease in unison, with the regular breathing patterns required reducing the variability of their heartbeats. Singing also can trigger the release of endorphins, which boost feelings of happiness and pleasure.”[i]


I am sure this isn’t completely true for corporate worship because there is a big difference between the two. I’m sure the release of endorphins is experienced when singing a worship song with a group of people in worship. I’m sure there are benefits to our health as well. And I am certain that the benefits to our soul far outweighs anything we read in a study.


Singing with a group of people does bring physical benefits, but singing with the Church benefits our spiritual well-being.


I have always enjoyed the lyrics of the song I share with you today, but I never realized that the title of the song is “The Church.” I thought it was about missions and taking the Gospel to the world.


Yes, that is one element, but as the Church of Christ we are to be sharing this message in our own streets in our own neighborhoods. To anyone we come in contact with that is need of this hope. Our Jesus.


It seems kind of ironic that when I heard this song that I didn’t connect it to my day-to-day life. I connected it to my SE Asia life. What a mistake I made! The lyrics to this song convicts me of what I need to be doing all the time. God’s message must be shared. Must be spoken. Must be heard. Regardless of where I am.


There is a missional element in these lyrics and yes, we want to hear Jesus Name spoken by every lip in the world. But hearing my grandchildren speak Jesus’ Name or sing about His love must be important as well. That is part of my mission too.


As you read through and listen to this song today, why not take a look at your own life to see where you might be failing God and His Church.  We have the message. We are the change. It’s time Church to get up, get moving and get sharing.


“The Church”


Verse 1:
We are the change
the world is waiting for
We’ve got a love
the world is desperate for
We will lead
and take to your streets

Now’s the time for us to rise
and carry hope and let love shine
and show this world that mercy is alive

Now’s the time for us to rise
and carry hope to hopeless eyes
and show this world that mercy is alive

Verse 2:
We’re not afraid
we will abandon all
to hear your name
on lips across the world
we will run
in the wake of your love


Fill our hearts with your compassion
let our love be active here[ii]


If you would like to listen to this beautiful song, please click here.


I pray that your prayer today would be the words of the bridge. Ask Jesus to help you to be bold. Ask Him to show you how to activate your love. Ask Him to fill your heart with His compassion. Then be prepared to follow Him.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




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[i] Facts and Trends Magazine, Volume 59, Number 5, Fall 2013, pg. 9, Source: Denver Post.

[ii] “The Church,” Mack Brock and Chris Brown of Elevation Worship, 2011, on the album For the Honor released on November 21, 2011.

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