“There’s Within My Heart a Melody” – Monday Musical Musings

It’s Monday! I get to talk about music! I don’t know that I can ever express what joy that brings to my soul.


0005030206R-849x565Today’s musical piece is one that I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. The melody is easy to sing. The tempo keeps it moving. The message is divine. It’s the combination that creates a beloved hymn.


This particular song brings a smile to my face because of all the elements within it, but the lyrics are truly what brings this song to life for me. Just read through the refrain. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Sweetest name I know.”


Yes! When I speak the Name of Jesus I receive all that I need. Fear dissipates. Peace fills the void. Discord retreats. Harmony invades. Paths seem difficult. Footsteps guide. Grace. Rest. Shelter. Eternal life.


These are all mine (and yours) at the mention of His sweet Name. It’s no wonder there’s a melody within my heart.


So today, take a look at the lyrics and if you’d like to listen to this wonderful old hymn, there’s a link below. Enjoy. Sing. Rejoice. Praise God for the gift of His beloved Son, Jesus. The sweetest Name I know!


“There’s Within My Heart a Melody”


There’s within my heart a melody

Jesus whispers sweet and low:

Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still,

in all of life’s ebb and flow.



Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

sweetest name I know,

fills my every longing,

keeps me singing as I go.


All my life was wrecked by sin and strife,

discord filled my heart with pain;

Jesus swept across the broken strings,

stirred the slumbering chords again.



Though sometimes he leads through waters deep,

trials fall across the way,

though sometimes the path seems rough and steep,

see his footprints all the way.



Feasting on the riches of his grace,

resting neath his sheltering wing,

always looking on his smiling face,

that is why I shout and sing.



Soon he’s coming back to welcome me

far beyond the starry sky;

I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown;

I shall reign with him on high.[i]


Click here to listen to a wonderful arrangement of this hymn.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “There’s within My Heart a Melody,” Luther B. Bridgers, 1949, Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp.

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