July 4, 1976

I was a teenager when our country celebrated the 200th birthday of our independence from England. As part of the festivities, our church buried a time capsule. I don’t recall what was placed in the capsule, but I have one photograph of this day. A picture of a few friends and family standing and singing together, remembering the importance of July 4, 1976.


bicentenial38 years later, the folks at the North Syracuse Church of Christ are searching for this time capsule. The problem is, there are only a few who remember this event and no one can remember exactly where it was buried.


That’s when I remembered the picture. I sent it in hopes that they can pinpoint the position where the photograph was taken and then narrow their search. We’ll see if the time capsule will be located.


God knew that memories would fade and be hindered by life. God told the Israelites to mark specific places so they would be able to tell future generations about locations.


The Old Testament is filled with such markings. Noah built an altar at the place he exited the ark (Genesis 8:20). Abraham built an altar where God appeared to him (Genesis 12:7). Isaac also build an altar where God appeared to him (Genesis 26:25).


After the battle with the Amalekites, Moses built an altar and declared “The Lord is my Banner” (Exodus 17:15). Twelve stones were brought up from the Jordan River bed to build an altar so that future generations would remember (Joshua 4:20-24).


I love Joshua 4:24 (NIV). This is what God wanted all generations to know and remember. “He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.”


Like the children of Israel, sometimes we forget and must be reminded of God’s great love and His powerful deeds. Maybe we need a physical reminder. Our own little stone we hold to remember.


I use Bible verses scattered throughout my home to remind myself of what God has done in my life. These little notes of love from God help me recall His goodness in my life.


Let’s also remember that the New Testament tells us that we are “like living stones, being built into a spiritual house to be holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:5 – NIV)


And in Romans 12:1 (NIV) we see that we are to “offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.”


We are to be reminders of God’s goodness and love. His mercy and grace. His power and might. When our lives are a reflection of God, others will see us and will be reminded of God.


I encourage you to find ways to be reminded of what God has done for you. But let’s just not remember. Let’s act. Act like the holy priesthood God has called us to be. Let’s strive to be holy and pleasing to God. Let’s worship our Lord with spiritual acts. And let’s be reminders to those we come in contact with that our God is an awesome God!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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