“Q” – Blogging A to Z


We are up to the letter “q” in this Blogging A to Z challenge. It’s been a great exercise to find new ways to boost our happiness or energize our attitudes. I pray that you’ve been able to find a few ways, both physically and spiritually to live an abundant life.


qAs we continue through the alphabet using the article in Good Housekeeping titled “More Bliss, Less Stress: A to Z Happiness Boosters to Try Today,”[i] Jennifer Rainey Marquez brings up the subject quiet time. This is what Simon-Thomas has to say about it.


“It may seem counterintuitive to put down a project that is causing stress, but taking your mind off of what you need to focus on can lead you to creative solutions. Your brain needs regular breaks to maintain peak function, so try for 10 to 20 minutes every two hours.”


I suspect what is done during these small breaks might make a difference as well. Just think. If we were to spend just 10 minutes with God every two hours throughout our day what might happen. A little Bible reading. Prayer time. Meditation upon a specific Scripture. I don’t know for sure, but I would say if we were to try this, our attitude boosting would go through the roof!


And I believe this would be in addition to your already scheduled quiet time with God. You know when you’re working on a Bible study or praying at your regularly appointed time.


To be honest, this really isn’t a lot for us to give to the God of creation. It really isn’t a sacrifice in comparison to what Jesus did for you. So why don’t we do it?


Probably because we find other things to do instead. Like surfing the web or chatting with a friend or two. Perhaps those things can enhance your happiness or boost your attitude as well. But to optimize our joy and attitude, I believe spending time with God just might be a better option.


Now, don’t think I’m getting all spiritual here. I don’t take my 10 minute breaks and spend them with God…and I work at a church!


However, today is a new day. Today is the start of a new work week. So perhaps, let’s all give this a try. Let’s see if it might not make a difference if we took at least one 10 minute break each day and spent it with God in some way. Find a little hideaway and just spend this time with Him. You know it will make a difference. You know it will.


It’s Monday and I haven’t shared a song all month long, so today I want to share a beautiful melody. Perhaps this tune will lead you to your quiet place with God today. Enjoy “A Quiet Place.”


There is a quiet place

Far from the rapid pace

Where God can soothe my troubled mind

Sheltered by tree and flow´r

There in my quiet hour

With Him my cares are left behind


Whether a garden small

Or on a mountain tall

New strength and courage there I find

Then from this quiet place

I go prepared to face

A new day with love for all mankind[ii]


Click here to listen to the Heritage Singers perform this one.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “More Bliss, Less Stress: A to Z Happiness Boosters to Try Today,” Jennifer Rainey Marquez, Good Housekeeping, Vol. 260, No. 4, page 115

[ii] “A Quiet Place,” Words and Music by Ralph Carmichael, Communique Music Inc., 1969.

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