Where Has the Time Gone?


Happy Thursday morning!


My life has been a whirlwind since January. I’ve been super busy with work, preparing and leading multiple Bible studies. I’ve loved every moment of getting into God’s Word. But summer has arrived, and I am entering a “slower” time. Not quite the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, but I feel like I can relax a bit and allow my mind to stop occasionally.


Someone asked me yesterday what I did for fun or to relax. My first thought was my creative Bible journaling. I enjoy that quiet time with God, as well as leading a group of ladies through the summer. But then it hit me. I love to write. And what better way to get all that’s in my mind out?


So, I’m back this morning! Writing! It feels good. Really good.


Here are a few updates that you might not know about:


Women’s Ministry at Rocky is growing at a fast pace! I will be stepping out of our Thursday morning Bible study group (called WBC) and a wonderful team will be taking that program to new heights. I really can’t wait to see what happens.


I will be jumping into MOPS this fall. What a lovely group of mommas we have at Rocky! And the leadership is outstanding. I will enjoy being a mentor mom and helping in leadership.


There are lots of other opportunities at Rocky for women to get connected. I am truly amazed at what God is doing through this ministry. If you are local and want to find connection, just ask. I can help.


I still work closely with our Lead Pastor, Shan as his executive assistant. Sometimes I feel inadequate, but he assures me I’m not. I’m so thankful for him.


So that’s my ministry update. I could say a lot more, but I don’t want to bore you on my first day back.


Personally, I’ve had some health issues. Last November (the week before Thanksgiving), I was diagnosed with gall stones and acute pancreatitis. They settled my system and then gall bladder surgery. I still can’t eat a lot of fried foods but doing well on this side of gall-bladder-less-ness.


And then my husband and I had been looking for a dog to adopt. We finally found Lady. Oh, my heart is smitten. She’s so adorable (except when she escaped and chased a rabbit to the other side of the neighborhood) and I enjoy being her mom. She’s a great companion for my husband who is home (retired) while I’m off working 12-hour days. We are truly blessed.


Another wonderful thing that has happened in the past few months is that I was asked to be on the board of a local non-profit that helps NICU families and supports them while their fragile babies are in the NICU. If you have a desire to find out more about Little Lambs of Hope, check out our website: www.littlelambsofhope.org.


I am not going to promise to write every day. But I will promise to be more mindful of the length between blog posts. I have more to share, but I’ll save that for another day. Until then, I leave you with this verse. “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17 – NIV)


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




Seven Years


Seven years. It’s hard to believe that it’s been seven years. Thinking of you today Archer. You’ll always be in my heart.


I raise my eyes toward the mountains.

Where will my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to slip;

Your Protector will not slumber.

Indeed, the Protector of Israel

does not slumber or sleep.

The Lord protects you;

the Lord is a shelter right by your side.

The sun will not strike you by day,

or the moon by night.

The Lord will protect you from all harm;

He will protect your life.

The Lord will protect your coming and going

both now and forever.

Psalm 121 (HCSB)


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



One Word


Happy New Year!


I know, you haven’t heard from me in a while, but have been thinking on this for a few weeks and thought I’d share.


It is a new year and maybe you’ve thought through the idea of resolutions or goals or something else to do for this upcoming year. If you recall, there was a book that came out several years ago called “One Word.” It could be something that needed to improve in your life or where you wanted your focus to be for the year.


This idea has caught on and it seems everyone is doing it. So, I thought I’d try it this year. I did a couple of tests online to see if I could find the right word. Nothing. I prayed about it. Still nothing. I even did a week-long analysis of my life to find my word. Nope, not there either. None of the words I read about or thought of on my own really captured what I felt was the most important word to work on for this coming year.


Then it happened.


In my “Thoroughly Equipped” group, we had some discussion on spiritual disciplines. One of the big questions we discussed was, “How can I find time?” We looked at Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, and the account of when she sat at Jesus’ feet instead of helping Martha in the preparation for the meal.


Do you recall Jesus’ words? He told Martha that Mary had chosen what was better.


Here’s what the “Thoroughly Equipped” authors had to say about this idea. “This phrase ‘Mary has chosen’ does not mean that Mary was blessed with a more spiritual sensitivity than her sister. Rather, she chose to set aside pressing demands to spend time with Jesus.


“The phrase, ‘what is better,’ means that Mary chose based on her discernment of what was more valuable. The Greek word used communicates the idea of choosing the best dish on the table. Mary had plenty of choices, yet, she chose what would nourish and satisfy the most.”[i]


The Best Dish on The Table. Let’s say you’re at a family gathering and all the wonderful cooks in your family have prepared a massive feast for the group. But you can only choose one dish to take food from. Which dish is the best dish on the table? How do you determine the best dish? Taste? Nutritional value? What is your criteria for making that choice?


Clearly Mary made the right choice. She spent time at Jesus’ feet listening to and learning from him. Martha made a good choice…we will always need Martha’s in our world. But Mary made the better choice.


Back to my one word. As soon as read this article and these words, I knew my one word for the year. Choice. I need to work on the choices I make. And as I’m thinking about choices, I always need to relate back to choosing the best dish on the table.


Maybe you have thought about this and have your one word. YAY for you! Maybe you have already given up on your one word. Or maybe you’ve never thought of it before.


Wherever you are in this process, I would encourage you to not only come up with your one word, but that you would also share your one word with someone. Your best friend. Your spouse. A co-worker. Your dentist. I don’t know, share it with someone. What I do know is whether we make resolutions or goals or choose one word for the year, we do better at reaching or maintaining them when we share with another person.


I pray that you will allow God to be part of this process. I know that by spending time with Him daily and digging deep into His Word, I found my word. Now to get on with making the best choices this year.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “Thoroughly Equipped: Developing Co-Laborers,” Kurt Sauder and Eric Schansberg, Further Still Ministries, 2014.


5:57 Challenge


I know it’s been a while, but I had to share what’s happened this week. Our pastor’s at Rocky challenged us as a church to wake up at 5:57 each day this week and read a Psalm. We had the option of sharing our thoughts on social media and tag it with #Godisforus. It has been a huge blessing to me knowing that others from Rocky were reading the exact Scripture I was reading and we were reading at the same time!


So I thought I’d share my journaling for the week. It has been so much fun!


Psalm 31:3


Psalm 32:7


Psalm 33:4


Psalm 34:8


Psalm 35


Psalm 36:9


Tomorrow morning at 5:57 am, I will rise and read Psalm 37. Will you join me?



Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




What Will You Do Today?

It’s been a while I know, but today I thought would be a good day to spend some time writing. Of course, my thoughts and mind wandered to the cross and the impact it has had on the world.


This day is called Good Friday. But if you know biblical history, you know that horrible things happened on this day. Jesus was put arrested and put on trial. Jesus was flogged, mocked and beaten. Jesus was hung on a cross between two thieves. Jesus was separated from His Father. Jesus died. The earth cried out in anguish through darkness and earthquakes. And yet, we call this day good.


I’m sure there are theological reasons for this, but for me, this day is good because the One who was able to remove the stain of my sin willingly gave up His life for mine. That is what makes this day good.


I pray that as you go through your day that you will take some time to remember, worship and praise Jesus for the sacrifice He made for you. Perhaps a song will help with this time of remembrance. Here are the lyrics to the hymn “Hallelujah! What a Savior” and a link to listen to a version of this song.


“Man of Sorrows!” what a name

For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!


Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In my place condemned He stood;
Sealed my pardon with His blood.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!


Guilty, vile, and helpless we;
Spotless Lamb of God was He;
“Full atonement!” can it be?
Hallelujah! What a Savior!


Lifted up was He to die;
“It is finished!” was His cry;
Now in Heav’n exalted high.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!


When He comes, our glorious King,
All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew His song we’ll sing:
Hallelujah! What a Savior!


Click here to listen to a beautiful version of this song.


And yet another beautiful piece depicting the suffering of Jesus can be found by clicking here.


After spending some time with these two songs and Scripture, I cannot help but offer my life to Jesus. He gave His all…I am compelled to likewise.


Today my prayer is that He will find me to be a faithful servant in all that I say and do. I pray that He will be honored and glorified by my words and my actions.


What is your prayer today? What will you do today?


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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