Blowing in the Wind


We live in an area where there aren’t many mature trees. There are a few spotted across the horizon, but none close by. The larger trees are nearly always by a river or water source. This was farm land for a while. Before that, mining. And I am not sure, but maybe the large amounts of gas and oil below ground may have something to do with it as well.


???????????????????????????????When I return to Ohio, the first thing I notice are the trees. They are everywhere. They are large and green and plush and beautiful.


I love trees and I love what God says about trees.


“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8 – NIV)


We can relate the ideas in this passage with our spiritual journey. For the tree, being planted by water with a good root system is the lifeline of the tree. Without the root system that draws nourishment and water to the tree, it would not thrive, and perhaps die.


We, too, must be firmly rooted. If our root system, our foundation is not stable, we will not be able to stand up to the pressures of this world. If we are unable to reach the nourishment and the water needed, we would not be able to thrive.


Through prayer, Bible study, worship, and fellowship with other believers, we can guarantee that our root system is strong and healthy.


With our root system prepared and with the aid of the Holy Spirit, we are then ready and able to meet the troubles we encounter. Let’s see what our tree might encounter and what lessons we can learn.


1) It does not fear when heat comes. Troubles will come. Jesus said they would. But when we have a complete trust in God, we will not fear the troubles. We might even welcome them, because we mature through these struggles!


2) Its leaves are always green. Do you feel “green” today? Green represents life. As a Christian, we have abundant life and as a result of that, we should be green! Our lives should be a reflection of the abundant life given through Jesus.


3) It has no worries in a year of drought. We go through times when we feel parched. When our spiritual lives are not being filled because of circumstances or situations. It is during these times we can utilize the deep connection and trust we have in our God. There is no reason to worry during these times…God will take care of it all.


4) It never fails to bear fruit. The fruit that we bear shows that our roots are reaching the source. With the Holy Spirit living within us, we are able to strengthen the characteristics within ourselves.


The tree is able to stand up against the elements and we know the blessings we receive from trees. Fruit, shade and visual beauty. From this illustration, we can see that reaching deep to the Living Water is where we gain our strength. We, too, are able to stand up to the elements of this world and are able to bless those we come into contact with.


As a person who places their complete trust and confidences in God, you don’t ever have to worry or fear. You can be assured that you will always feel alive and bear fruit. Like the tree planted by the water.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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