Praise in Motion


I did it. Last night I joined a group of ladies at our Frederick campus and praised God in a very special way. I attended my first session of Praise in Motion and it was spectacular.


As worship music plays in the background, a mixture of dance and martial arts are used to draw participants into a relationship with Jesus that I’ve never experienced. We danced with Jesus. We fought the devil. We put on the full armor of God. We surrendered our cares and worries to Jesus. We allowed God’s Holy Spirit to lead and guide through the evening.


Now I’ll admit, it was a physical workout. I can feel tender muscles this morning that I forgot I had! But what I loved about the evening was the mental, spiritual and emotional workout that accompanied the physical.


Remember Jesus’ words, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” (Luke 10:27 – NIV) Jesus called us to love Him with everything. All of us. Every inch of our bodies are to love Jesus. I believe that’s what we, what I did last night.


And of course if I’m going to continue to use “In him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28 – NIV) as a life verse, this form of worship will fulfill the goal of drawing closer to Jesus as I move throughout my day.


I’m sure there are some that may question this form of worship. I get it. It’s not for everybody, but for a group of 14 ladies who gathered together last night, it was a special time of worship. For me, it was especially worshipful.


Will I be going back? You can count on it. Why? Well, I do need to move more. I need to do some physical activity to keep this body functioning well enough to serve God in ways He is preparing.


But more importantly, I will return because of the connection I made with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I might even say there are some tender heart muscles that need to be worked on and transformed because of my spiritual workout last night.


As I’ve said, this form of worship may not be for you. But what I would ask is “What are you doing to use all of you to worship God?” “What physical activity are you incorporating into praising God?” If Jesus is asking us to love Him with all of our being, I believe we have to figure out how to love Him in every aspect of our lives, and that includes physically.


What do you think?


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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