I find that “x” is the most difficult letter to write about during this A to Z Challenge. I use words that begin with “q” or “z”…maybe not every day, but there are common words that begin with these letters. Not so with the letter “x.” For instance, when was the last time […]
Archive for the ‘Remember’ Category
“T” – A to Z Challenge

“K” – A to Z Challenge

If you have had the privilege of having a rich heritage, you probably have some keepsakes around your home. Dishes, utensils, occupational tools, toys, jewelry or wood working equipment could be in the mix of some of your keepsakes. Some may be valuable as far as the world is concerned, but for the most […]
“My Beloved” – Musical Musings in March

I’m back! We had an uneventful drive from Colorado to Ohio…and back again. Visited with family and friends. Attended my nephew’s concert of Celtic music (which was pretty awesome) and learned about a mission organization in Ireland. Watched my niece’s production of Lion King Jr (words are inadequate to describe how marvelous this was). […]