It’s usually quiet. When the dialysis system is set up with care and precision, it is a few quiet hours. However, just recently, the A24 alarm blared every 15 minutes or so. I would stop what I was doing and go check what was happening. As per the manual, I would mute the alarm, identify […]
Archive for the ‘Seek’ Category

A Challenge

Have you ever been discouraged? If you answered “no,” you’re not being honest with yourself. This world has a way of discouraging us. It squashes our dreams, hopes and desires. It has a way of making us feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy. We can choose to be discouraged by the world or to be encouraged […]
Me, Myself and God

NICU Awareness Month

Where Has the Time Gone?

Happy Thursday morning! My life has been a whirlwind since January. I’ve been super busy with work, preparing and leading multiple Bible studies. I’ve loved every moment of getting into God’s Word. But summer has arrived, and I am entering a “slower” time. Not quite the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, but […]