Posts Tagged ‘Psalm 34:18’

Pivotal Moments

There are pivotal moments in each of our lives. Baptism. Graduation. Marriage. Babies. New careers. Moves. Divorce. Business ventures. Mission trips. Death. I have experienced all of these moments. Some have been joyful, some sorrowful and some downright difficult. In recent years these experiences have been magnified in my life. A major move from Colorado […]


NICU Awareness Month

  Good morning friends,   September has become a very important month for me. It is NICU Awareness Month! Perhaps you don’t know my story, so today I thought I’d share a little about why this is so important to me.   In August 1982, I gave birth to my first child. A son. I […]


Psalm 117

  “Praise the Eternal, all nations. Raise your voices, all people. For His unfailing love is great, and it is intended for us, and His faithfulness to His promises knows no end. Praise the Eternal!” (Psalm 117 – The Voice)   Psalm 117 is only two verses long…I think I might even be able to […]


“Cry Out to Jesus” – Musical Musings in March

The song I share with you today was helpful during a difficult period just a few years ago. At times the pain seems just as fresh as it was three years ago. At other times, it feels like it’s been an eternity. However, whatever I’m feeling, I know that Jesus is right there with me. […]


Psalm 66:16

I read through the entire chapter of Psalm 66 this morning and was yet again thrilled to be praising God with King David. However, verse 16 really touched my heart.   “Come and listen, all of you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.” (Psalm 66:16 – NIV). It’s […]

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