Posts Tagged ‘grace’

Pivotal Moments

There are pivotal moments in each of our lives. Baptism. Graduation. Marriage. Babies. New careers. Moves. Divorce. Business ventures. Mission trips. Death. I have experienced all of these moments. Some have been joyful, some sorrowful and some downright difficult. In recent years these experiences have been magnified in my life. A major move from Colorado […]



Oh my. It has been so long since I’ve been with you all. So much has happened and life has just been, well, life. I have missed two things through this past couple of years. First is writing. Sometimes my brain just doesn’t want to shut down. I have had the desire but not the […]


Swerving and Swaying

  As I was out and about yesterday, there were two vehicles in front of me with their flashing lights on. The rear car was being towed by the front car. It wasn’t a safe situation, so I kept my distance.   As I followed this pair, I realized that neither of them were very […]


“Your Grace Finds Me” – Musical Musings in March

  Grace is a word that is used a lot in our Christ-follower circles today. We sing about it, we talk about it, we hear sermons about it. This word is found on our walls, on birth certificates and on journaling pages. Seems like “grace” is everywhere.   I pray that it hasn’t become a […]


“Grace Wins” – Musical Musings in March

  Grace. This little word is so encouraging to me (and I pray it is to you as well). The simple definition of grace is “unmerited favor,” but some scholars have suggested that grace envelopes all of who God is and covers the entire expanse of time as we know it. Not such a little […]

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