Posts Tagged ‘Jesus’

Pivotal Moments

There are pivotal moments in each of our lives. Baptism. Graduation. Marriage. Babies. New careers. Moves. Divorce. Business ventures. Mission trips. Death. I have experienced all of these moments. Some have been joyful, some sorrowful and some downright difficult. In recent years these experiences have been magnified in my life. A major move from Colorado […]


What Will You Do Today?

It’s been a while I know, but today I thought would be a good day to spend some time writing. Of course, my thoughts and mind wandered to the cross and the impact it has had on the world.   This day is called Good Friday. But if you know biblical history, you know that […]


“When Love Was Born”

  It is closer. Christmas is just two days away and still there are beautiful Christmas songs and hymns to share. The song I’ve chosen for today tells the Christmas story through amazing lyrics and melody.   As I listen to this song, I am reminded that God sent His Son out of love for […]


“Light of Christmas”

  Another Christmas song, but one that is completely different from what I’ve shared this season. As you read through the lyrics, you’ll note all the things that bid for our time during the holidays. What a fun time of year it is!   But the main thing we must remember is what it’s really […]


“Jesus Born on This Day” – Monday Musical Musings

  Well how about another Christmas song? I love this song, but forget about it each year. I heard it yesterday on my way to church, so now I share it with you!   As we get closer to Christmas Day, I pray that you spend time remembering what Christmas is all about. I pray […]

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