Good morning friends, September has become a very important month for me. It is NICU Awareness Month! Perhaps you don’t know my story, so today I thought I’d share a little about why this is so important to me. In August 1982, I gave birth to my first child. A son. I […]
Archive for the ‘Serve’ Category
What Will You Do Today?
It’s been a while I know, but today I thought would be a good day to spend some time writing. Of course, my thoughts and mind wandered to the cross and the impact it has had on the world. This day is called Good Friday. But if you know biblical history, you know that […]
I’ve Been Trying…
to write something of value this morning. I’ve tried several times, but nothing seems to be coming out well. So I’m going to share a repeated blog post today. Pray for me friends…I need some inspiration and I need this writer’s block to be short-lived! Be Patient and Stand Firm Last weekend, […]
Stop What You’re Doing
My husband, Mason is a photographer. He has such a great eye for finding the perfect picture. But when we are out and about, he has a habit of seeing something that catches his eye and he says, “stop.” Since I am the one driving 99% of the time, it’s up to me to get […]
“U” – A to Z Challenge
We’re coming to the end of this A to Z Challenge. I pray that you have found some interesting, encouraging and spiritually uplifting words through the month of April. I will miss April! We have made the rounds to the letter “u.” Umbrella. Understanding. Unchanging. Unfailing. Unwholesome. Unproductive. Unity. These were all contenders […]