It’s been a while I know, but today I thought would be a good day to spend some time writing. Of course, my thoughts and mind wandered to the cross and the impact it has had on the world. This day is called Good Friday. But if you know biblical history, you know that […]
Archive for the ‘Glorify’ Category
What Will You Do Today?

Thanksgiving 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! Several years ago, I received an email from a wise man. He said, “I hope your Thanksgiving Day is so good for your soul!” We talk about being thankful on Thanksgiving, but we rarely turn it inward. How being thankful and having a heart of gratitude affects us spiritually. […]
It Got Away

Before I knew it, this week flew by and it is now Saturday morning. There were added responsibilities, as well as already scheduled activities to my week and these have kept me from writing. I have missed this time with you. I can’t promise that this won’t happen again, but I will pray […]

A Needed Break – Day 2

A Needed Break – Day 2 I’m taking a little break from writing a post each day…and after listening repeatedly to the song I posted yesterday, I decided to reuse all musical posts for this break. Y’all know how much I love music. It touches my heart and will always draw me closer to […]
A Needed Break

Good morning folks! I feel pretty overwhelmed right now, so if you don’t mind, I’m going to share some older blog posts until mid-August. There are many personal reasons for this decision and I would ask for you to join me in praying for my entire family. Thank you for sticking with […]