I’ve mentioned that I love playing a word game with my sister through the internet. Sometimes the letters pop up in random style and make no sense, but at other times, they pop up and seem to make words.


Recently, these were the letters that popped up on my board. FRYABATG. My comment to my sister was, “Who is ‘G’ and why would he want to fry a bat?”


Obviously this wasn’t a word, but there were plenty of words that could be made from these letters. Words like: ratbag, fry, tray, grab, graft, brag, raft, afar, and many, many more.


Part of the fun is in the challenge of finding the words in the letters given. It’s being able to find the right combination and then being able to place the word on the board. That’s the challenge. On most days, I’m up to the challenge.


I’m sure King Belshazzar in Daniel 5 would have been pleased had the writing on the wall he had seen was a simple word puzzle. But, because of Belshazzar’s desire to exalt himself above God, Belshazzar’s life was abruptly ended.


From the beginning of Daniel’s time in Babylon, we see his wisdom and knowledge far beyond others. We see how well-liked Daniel was by those in leadership. But we also see Daniel’s desire to serve God above all. Daniel over and over gave God the glory for his wisdom and abilities.


Through his example, an entire pagan kingdom was turned to the true God and a king dedicated his life to serving Daniel’s God.


In Daniel 6:26-27 (NIV), we read King Darius’ decree.


“I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures forever’ his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”


The Book of Daniel is filled with dreams, interpretations, miracles, and word puzzles. But they all pointed to God’s sovereignty. As we place our lives into the sovereign God’s hands, we too receive His wisdom and understanding. And we then must give God the glory for it all.


I must say that I would be nothing without God’s grace. I am nothing without Him. He provides all that I need. He is my constant Friend. He is my Portion. He inspires. He protects. He revives. And He is so much more.


I pray that you can say similar things about God. What does God mean to you?


If you would be interested in a puzzle today, follow this link to find a word search puzzle from the Book of Daniel. There is also a short history of the Book of Daniel attached to this puzzle. Enjoy!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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