Oh, Christmas Tree!

If you were to come to my home you would see unusual trees. There are ornaments on 1/3 of my large tree and none on the smaller one. They look incomplete. They look forgotten. They look sad.


But when I had the energy and desire to decorate them, I had three little ones around. My oldest granddaughter Joy loves to help decorate the tree. She places the ornaments on the tree with care and in “just-the-right-spot.”


However, her younger brother Percy hasn’t got the hang of it. He didn’t quite understand that an ornament hook was needed. Or that they should be hung on a branch, not thrown. Or that these delicate ornaments are fragile.


So when an ornament got broken, we decided the tree was decorated.


Now picture this. There are ornaments on the middle third of the tree. High enough where Percy couldn’t reach the most precious ones but not quite to the top…only as high as Joy could reach on the small step stool.


It’s my “Charlie Brown Christmas Tree” year.


The smaller tree is even worse. My daughter Candace put a few ornaments on it, but Percy and Leslieanna have managed to pull some of the strings of lights so they are drooping and Percy sat on one of the branches (I’m not sure what he was doing or how he did it) so that it now droops to the floor.


Not one “Charlie Brown Christmas Tree,” but two.


I must also tell you, this is a memorable Christmas. I will remember this particular year because of what my trees look like. And for this Christmas, I wouldn’t change anything.


Perhaps all those years ago on the first Christmas Day, Mary might have wanted things to be a bit different. As a young, first-time mother, she probably would have wanted to be where she was familiar with her surroundings. She would have wanted to be with her mother. She would have wanted to be near her family.


But she was off to Bethlehem for the census where Joseph’s family originated. She was surrounded by Joseph’s family, not her own. She was in an unfamiliar room where she gave birth to her first-born son, not her own. She was giving birth to a son, not her husband’s child, but God’s. Yes, I’m almost certain she would have wanted to change a few things.


But she was obedient to God and allowed Him to take her where He wanted. I’m sure Mary had other ideas when she spoke these words to the angel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38 – NIV) But she was obedient. And what a blessing she received because of her obedience.


Through Mary, our world received the greatest gift from God. Not what the world expected or hoped for. A bit unusual for most, but exactly what God knew mankind needed. A tiny baby.


As you go through the hustle and bustle of your life today, take a moment to think of that precious gift given by God to our hurting world. Remember all that God did for you personally because of His great love for you. Think of what a difference Jesus has made in your life.


2013 Christmas OrnamentPerhaps your life looks like the “Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.” A bit out of sorts, mismatched or unfinished. The good news is that Jesus can take what is unfinished and make it complete and whole and beautiful. All you need to do is say what Mary said. “I’m Yours. Do what you want with me.”


I’d like to give you something today. An ornament. A gift from me to you to remind you of God’s perfect gift to you. I pray that you will have a blessed Christmas season and that Jesus will be your focus over the next two weeks…Merry Christmas!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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