Merry Christmas to You!

It’s quiet this morning. There is still much to be done for the day in anticipation of the grandkids, family and friends to arrive later. But in this moment, it’s still quiet.


I love to sit in quietness. When I am home alone, I nearly always turn off all the noise in the house. No TV. No music. An occasional conversation between me and myself, but usually it’s quiet.


DSC03935mIt’s during these times when I have the opportunity to reflect and remember. Remember what has happened most recently, what is foremost in my mind, or reflect on my relationship with God. They are precious moments that I value and cherish.


This morning is no different.


I am thinking of last night. Christmas Eve services at Rocky Mountain Christian Church. What a blessing it was (and is) to serve this group of people. Through three services at one of our campuses, I was able to answer questions, point people in a direction, pass out candles, light candles, wish each person a Merry Christmas and give them a special gift.


DSC03935DSC03935Last night alone, we gave away nearly 3,500 copies of “Love Does.” Each adult and teen walked away with their special copy of this book. All of this in preparation for the author, Bob Goff to speak at Rocky in February. These are exciting times for sure.


The book is about how we can live the life we secretly want to live. One filled with love for God and others. It’s a reminder that love is a verb. It’s an action word and we are to be doing something if we say we love.


I can’t help but mention the fact that God showed us how to love. He showed us that love does when He sent Jesus to be with us. Love does send a tiny baby to fulfill a promise. Love does announce to the world that the Messiah has arrived. Love does share the kingdom message with those He comes in contact with. Love does miraculous things to point people to God. Love does go to the cross and carry the burden mankind’s sin. Love does overcome death and the grave. Love does promise to return.


Love does.


So if we say we love God, we better be loving the way God loves. “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (1 John 4:7-8 – NIV)


So today, as you celebrate Christmas with those you love, remember Love. Think of what Love has done in your life and how He has changed you. Reflect on your relationship with Love. Be reminded that Love does. And then do likewise.


Because, Love does.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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