It’s Back!

When you hear the words “Boogity, boogity, boogity. Let’s go racing boys!” Who or what do you think about? I think of three things. One: there is a race to watch. Two: Darrell Waltrip. Three: my Mom. Darrell Waltrip makes this comment each time a race begins and this is the ringtone for Mom.


???????????????????????????????For me, the good news is that those words were spoken last night and I heard those words again as my Mom called after the finish the second Duel race last night.


I was at church last evening at a ladies event, so my husband recorded the race for me. However, by the time I spoke with my Mom, I wasn’t at all certain I’d be able to watch these short races before the Daytona 500 on Sunday. So I asked Mom to just tell me what happened. She wouldn’t, but said to just watch the last 30 laps of the last race.


So when I arrived home, I fast forwarded through to the last part of the second race. It was exciting again to watch these speed-driven individuals fly around the race track. It was the last lap of the race, rounding the last corner of the speedway. And one of the drivers in front ran out of gas.


This caused a bottle neck which led to a huge accident. Cars were spinning, hitting the walls, and one even did a perfect flip in the air and landed right side up. In that split second, everything changed.


I wonder if these biblical characters felt the same way.


Adam and Eve (Genesis 1-3)

Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11-12)

Esther (Esther 1-4)

Jonah (Jonah 1-2)

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3)

King Belshazzar (Daniel 5)

Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

Paul (Acts 9:1-19)

Eutychus (Acts 20:7-12)


These are just a few examples of things going along well and suddenly everything changes.


Perhaps you know how this feels. Maybe it was your marriage that you thought was fine. Or maybe your job. It could possibly be an issue with your child or even your church. Everything seemed to be good and then suddenly, something happened that changed everything. Suddenly, there is heartache. Disappointment. Discouragement. Grief.


During difficult times, I know I have a heavenly Father who cares for me. I know that Jesus is touched by each difficulty. I know that the Holy Spirit is within me to comfort me. There is certainly no reason for me or anyone to go through these situations on our own.


And as a reminder that God does care for you, 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV) also reassures us that God does in fact care and that He wants us to lean upon Him. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”


What wonderful words of encouragement and hope! I am so thankful for a loving God and caring Savior. I am sure my struggles in this life would have been overwhelming had it not been for their loving kindness and caring hearts. God’s mighty hand has indeed lifted me up (1 Peter 5:6) through these difficult times. Can you say the same?


Because of the accident, many of the drivers will have to start the race at the end of the field in their back up cars. I’m sure the most painful will be for the driver who qualified 2nd and drives for the Furniture Row Team (a Colorado team by the way).


Yes, it’s disappointing. Yes, there are a lot of obstacles to maneuver around. But crossing the finish line will make the end of the race all the sweeter.


Racing or life? They’re both the same except that as a Christian we will all gather in victory lane.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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