“G” – Blogging A to Z

During the month of April, I’ve chosen to blog through the alphabet. Each day I will use a letter to share a Name of the Lord that begins with that letter based on Proverbs 18:10 and the fact that there is strength in the Lord’s Name. I pray you’ll be blessed and that you’ll stop by often.

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”

Proverbs 18:10 – NIV


Great High Priest


There are some interesting families in this world, would you agree? Some that share great wealth from generation to generation. Some into which princes are born. And others that are known for generational feuds.


My family is kind of boring. There is a rumor of a murderer, but who really wants to be known as an ancestor of such a person. There is Native American blood in our family line, but we don’t follow that line in our heritage. And like many out there, we’ve followed our blood line back to the Mayflower. Nothing exciting.


My husband on the other hand comes from a family with some substance. Professional baseball players and umpires and Russian revolt escapees fill his family tree. And then, there are the Russian Orthodox Priests. My husband’s grandfather was a priest right here in Denver. How exciting!


20090924163803157_0015This is a picture of my husband’s family. The priesthood was a family affair.


We see this same importance to the priesthood through Scripture. When God set up the workings of the Hebrew nation with Moses, the family line of Aaron, known as the Levites would produce the priests of the tabernacle and later the temple.


Those whose were direct descendants of Aaron could be priests and from among that group a high priest was chosen. The remaining Levites held positions within the tabernacle/temple. This group would care for tabernacle/temple.


The priest’s role was to represent the people God by offering sacrifices, prayers, and praise on their behalf. Sacrifices were offered to atone for the sins of the people.


The high priest was the only one authorized to enter the Most Holy Place or the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement. The high priest wore an ephod (a garment with an attached breast plate) with twelve stones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel. This was a physical reminder that the high priest bore God’s people into His presence.


As we look to the New Testament, we see that the Jewish priesthood was destroyed. Jesus received the name Great High Priest and took on this role. We find this name in the Book of Hebrews. “Therefore, since we have a Great High Priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.” (Hebrews 4:14 – NIV)


Jesus was appointed to this position by God (Hebrews 5:5, 10). Jesus had no sin (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus offered His own blood as atonement for human sin (Hebrews 9:12). And Jesus has an eternal priesthood that lives forever (Hebrews 7:24-25).


As Christians, we have no need for someone to be the go-between. Jesus is our Mediator, our Advocate, our Great High Priest. We are able to be in God’s presence through Jesus.


Perhaps today you are in need of the Great High Priest. If so, there’s no better time than the present to ask for your sins to be taken away. For your past mistakes to be removed from God’s memory. And Jesus, the Great High Priest is the One who is able to do so.


I didn’t grow up in a faith with a priesthood, so I don’t understand all of the importance that goes with that term. But what I do know is that Jesus fulfills everything for me. If I need a priest, Jesus fulfills that need. Jesus fills in the gap and I am made whole because of Him. And that is exactly as it should be.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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2 Responses to ““G” – Blogging A to Z”

  1. Abby says:

    This is one of the names of God that took me a while to “get.” But now I love studying it…when I saw the title of your post, I said, “Yay!”
    How goes the Great High Priest, how goes the people. Our High priest is good with God forever, so we are too. Love this one.

  2. dsisler says:

    Thanks again for stopping by. There was so much I could have said about this Name of the Lord, but it wasn’t possible to add to this post. So thankful for God’s plan for salvation and for the gift of His Son. Have a blessed day!

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