What’s Important?

Yesterday was a crazy day. Started off with a little excitement and it continued through my day.


constructionAs I backed out of my garage to go to work, I was overcome with the odor of gas. There is construction going on in our neighborhood, so I thought they were probably the culprit, but thought I’d call the gas company just to be sure.


There were no reports or emails stating a line had been compromised, so the gas company sent out a guy to check on it. I left for work. Candace continued to get ready to go to work. And Mason, who had worked all night, was sound asleep in bed.


By the time the gas man Mark arrived, the gas company had received word that a construction crew had hit a gas line. However, as part of Mark’s job, he had to do a sweep around our house. He called me with bad news. We had a leak! It was small, but still it was a leak and as part of his job, he was required to shut off our gas.


I told Mark I’d try to rouse Mason and if I couldn’t, I’d head home. He said he’d wait for me. I called and called and called and called. Nothing. So I gathered my computer (to work from home) and left the office. Several minutes into my trip, Mason called. He was up and on it.


The rest of my day was busy and emotional. I schedule baptisms. There is a couple who were scheduled to be baptized later in the week but decided to go ahead yesterday. There are some major things happening with this family. And in the midst of their craziness, their relationship with Jesus was most important. Their obedience to God’s guidelines took precedence over anything else.


The craziness of my day was put into perspective by what this couple is going through and how they have embraced the important things and put aside the non-important.


I’m not diminishing the importance of calling the gas company when an odor is present. We’ve seen far too many homes blown up lately. But what I am saying is that I didn’t have a discussion with God about it. Not my family’s or neighbor’s safety. Not asking Him to help me stay calm. Nothing. Discussion? Not even a little chat.


If Jesus asks me to bring Him all of my cares, how did I miss it yesterday? Jesus clearly said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 – NIV)


The craziness of my day was nothing compared to the couple I assisted yesterday. And yet, they got it.


Thankfully, today is another day. I have another opportunity to find myself in God’s presence and to seek Him when I am overwhelmed by the craziness of my life. If you wish to join me, maybe you can say this prayer with me.


Gracious Father, Please forgive me when I forget to share the burdens of my heart with You…big or small. Direct me to You. Lead me to Your truth. Help me to see my weakness and learn to rely on You more and more each day. Show me Your rest. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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