I am still working on the finishing touches in my new beach-themed office. It’s coming along, but I went on a shopping spree to look for new items to add to this room.
I found items like this cool pelican friend, who has been names Nigel after the Finding Nemo pelican. There was this great “beach” sign that I love. And an array of picture frames.
On a whim (like all of the other purchases weren’t?), I also picked up a message-in-a-bottle. My daughter couldn’t wait to get home to see what message had been included. But to our surprise, there was no message. The paper had areas to fill in the blanks with your own message. I guess if you’re planning to travel, you need to pick this item up before you go.
What I’ve been drawn to is how we look at a message in a bottle. I suspect we’ve all dreamed of finding one in our lifetime and that because of finding said message, we’d save someone from a deserted island or from a calamity of some sort. But to be honest, most of us will probably never find such a message along the seashore.
So to fill the gap, we purchase our own message-in-a-bottle “kit.”
My question this morning would have to be, “What message would you want to share with the world?” I believe most people who are reading this blog would say, “God loves you!” So if would share this message when we have nothing to lose, where is that same passion in our day-to-day lives?
Paul asked the Colossian believers to pray for him. Let’s see what he specifically asked for. “Pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” (Colossians 4:3-4 – NIV)
I wonder how many doors God would open for me to share His message if I prayed this prayer. I’m sure it would be more than I could even imagine. And when those doors were opened, would I have the clear message that I should share?
Sometimes we make God’s message difficult and confusing. And I’ll be the first to admit that there are some teachings of Paul that can get a little confusing, but the heart of the Gospel can be found in John 3:16. Know that verse and you’ll have a clear message.
What is your message today? Are you willing to ask God to open the doors to share His message? I pray that your willingness linked with God’s message will travel across the world. It’s the best message in a bottle anyone could possibly receive.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,