Don’t Get Lost

I’m not sure why, but years ago I started saying “don’t get lost” when saying goodbye to my loved ones. After the usual goodbye sayings—you know, “have a good day,” “I love you,” etc.—the last words to my kids were “don’t get lost.” If they were going somewhere with the possibility of them getting lost, it made sense. But then there were other times it really didn’t, like when heading to bed.


mapMy kids have heard it their lives and they aren’t surprised when they hear it. However, Mason hasn’t quite figured it out. Why would I say “don’t get lost” when he’s heading to the local grocery store or to work. These are places he frequents often and chances are pretty high that he wouldn’t get lost.


I would like to say that these words flowed from my mouth to remind my kids and family of what was expected of them. Of what our family valued. Of who they were in Jesus. But to be honest, I don’t recall determining one day to say “don’t get lost” for these purposes.


I do believe however, that through the years, “don’t get lost” had these deeper meanings. They became words that my children expected to hear and I would hope have grown to cherish as adults.


“Don’t get lost” was and still is Jesus’ message. We are so easily distracted in our spiritual lives. When we find ourselves in these situations, Jesus is there to remind us not to get lost. He reminds us how to get back on track. By following His way, listening to His truth and being filled with His abundant life.


In John 13, the disciples seemed to be losing their way. They wanted to follow Jesus to the death, but Jesus knew they would get lost. Jesus offered words of encouragement to His beloved group of followers in the beginning of John 14 and then Thomas spoke words that perhaps you’ve expressed.


“Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5 – NIV) Have you been so lost that you didn’t know how to get “unlost?” I know I have. And even in the times I knew the way, how to get myself “unlost,” I wasn’t sure that I would be able to find my way or be accepted once I returned.


It’s during these times when Jesus’ words from John 14:6 (NIV) are exactly what we need to hear. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


Jesus is the way to get “unlost.” He is the way to the Father. He is the way to truth and life. Jesus is the Way.


I heard a long time ago that if you’re ever lost it’s best to stay put and let rescuers come to you. It’s the same with Jesus. If you’re lost and know you can’t do any more on your own, stop. Wait for Jesus to come to rescue you. Walk alongside Him in His truth. Jesus will get you “unlost.”


Let’s make today a great day for Jesus and remember, don’t get lost!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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