A Clock or Two

I found one last piece for my beachy office. A clock. I found that I struggled with finding the time while working away at my desk. Even though there is a tiny clock on my computer screen, I never could focus in on it.


clockMy daughter and I were perusing Hobby Lobby last week and we saw this clock. A porthole replica that had been turned into a clock. Yesterday I decided it was time to get it. So now, I am the proud owner of this porthole clock. I’m sure it will help me with my time issues.


It just so happened that our bedroom alarm clock has decided to stop working as well. One or two mornings of not waking up on time will put a real damper on the day. So another clock was purchased yesterday and again, will help with time issues.


I don’t know about you, but there are occasions when I allow my time issues to push out the most important thing for me to do each day. Spend time with God. If you seem to be in the same boat, you know how disappointing it can be to stop one day and think, “when was the last time I picked up that devotion book or the Bible?”


It’s easy to get discouraged, but the good news is that God hasn’t moved. He’s still there in your special place waiting for you to join Him.


Even Jesus, our beloved Savior took time to be with God (Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12) and He encouraged His disciples to find quiet time (Mark 6:30-32).


So how can we find these opportunities when our clocks tell us we must get moving? Let me share a few helpful hints.


Make it a habit

Be consistent. Even if you only have a few moments, do it. Don’t let a day go by that you don’t spend a little time with God.


Set an alarm

I have found that when I set alarms or notifications to do specific things, I tend to do them. Whether it’s sending out a meeting agenda or a reminder to pick up a birthday card, it works for me.


If it works for you too, why not set an alarm to spend some quiet time with God. Find that perfect place, sit and read a little Scripture and then finish up with prayer time. I am positive it will make a difference in your daily life.


Keep a journal

I love writing down what I’ve learned from God each day. However, by keeping a journal I’ve come to see my inconsistencies. When I thought I was spending daily time with God, my journal told a different story.


Journal keeping has helped me to be more consistent with this time. It might just be exactly what you need to do as well.


Don’t get discouraged

I am encouraged by the fact that God’s mercies are new every day (Lamentations 3:22-23). When I forget to spend time with God, I have the opportunity to make it right. I can run to Him, ask forgiveness and He will sit and visit with me (and you).


James encouraged his readers to “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” (James 4:8 – NIV) We can remember these words each day and see if it doesn’t make a difference.


What I’ve come to realize is that my time is God’s time. When I waste my time, I waste God’s time. When I run late, God is running late. When I don’t take the time to visit with God, I miss out on being in the presence of the One who gave His Son so that I might live. Kind of puts it in perspective, doesn’t it?


Time is easily squandered and wasted. I pray that you will take the time today to be with God. Enjoy His presence. Rejoice in your Savior. Find solace in His arms. Find peace in His Words.


Time is ticking!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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