My brother will be visiting this week. My husband and I have taken vacation and we plan to enjoy our time together.
I will be sharing an older blog post each day this week. I have found enough blog posts that mention my brother Billy Ray, so you will get to know him a little as we laugh the days away.
Ring Tones
I love my smart phone. One of the features I love about it is that I can set specific ringtones for specific people. These ringtones were chosen carefully. They are ringtones that match a person’s personality or it might be their favorite song. When I hear a song or words, I know who is calling. It’s actually pretty exciting.
For instance, when my daughter Bethany was pregnant and time was getting close, the theme song to the show “Friends” would make my heart jump for joy. It still does. And here’s the list of all the others.
Mom – “Boogity, boogity, boogity! Let’s go racing boys!”
Dad – Theme song to “Gunsmoke”
Mason (husband) – “MacGyver” theme song
Philip (son) – “Ghostbusters” theme song
Candace (daughter) – Kamakauiuo’s version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”
Tammy (sister) – Opening words to “Days of Our Lives”
Billy (brother) – “Hawaii Five-0” theme song
Michael (brother) – Theme song to “Star Wars”
Lori (best friend) – Theme song to “Golden Girls”
Of course I change the regular ring tone throughout the year, well, okay just for Christmas, and “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” can be heard, but the rest of the time, the theme from the “Waltons” is my ring tone.
If I had the time and greater understanding of each person on my contact list, I would for sure have a specific ring tone for each of them. However, that would be a much larger task than I could possibly take on. So if you happen to call me, your ring tone is the “Walton” theme song.
Maybe I have too much time on my hands, but this was fun. I loved picking out the perfect ringtone for each person.
I might say that God chose different ways to announce Himself to each person in Scripture. It was like His unique ring tone for who He was speaking to and how He wanted to get their attention.
God got Moses’ attention through a burning bush (Genesis 3).
Balaam received word from God through his donkey and an angel with sword drawn (Numbers 22:21-35).
Elijah heard from God in the form of a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:9b-18).
Mary and Joseph received news from God through an angel (Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25).
Saul saw a blinding light and heard Jesus’ voice (Acts 9:1-19).
The Apostle John received God’s revelation through an angel (Revelation 1:1-3).
Regardless of how God appeared or presented Himself, our biblical friends knew it was Him. And here’s some good news. God still has a message for us today. We know His message will provide exactly what we need when we need it.
We, who are living in this present age, have God’s words and message He has given through His Scripture. The Bible is our main source of hearing God’s voice and knowing Him. If we do not know the Bible, we do not know God.
We also hear God’s message through those called to ministry. God’s Holy Spirit leads these people to an understanding of God’s Word and they in part share their enlightenment with others.
And of course, we have God’s Spirit within us to be with us along our life journey. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor (John 14:16), will teach all things and will remind us of everything we’ve learned (John 14:26), is our Helper who testifies about Jesus (John 16:26), convicts of sin (John 16:8), guides us in all truth (John 16:13), speaks what He is told (John 16:13), brings glory to Jesus (John 16:14), resides within us (Romans 8:9), and He brings good fruit to our lives (Galatians 5:22-23).
God still shows up. God still calls. God is still at work. As we recognize Him, we are able to listen to what He has to say and act upon it.
I pray that as you go through your day today that you’ll stop to listen for God along the way. Hear what He has to say to you and act upon it. He has something special to tell you. Let’s just start with, “I love you! God”
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,