Just a Prayer Away


I spent a lot of time in prayer yesterday. I woke up at 3 am and my mind began to ponder all that I needed to accomplish. It was going to be a busy day. I had overbooked my day to the point that there was no room for error. I started my day at that early hour in prayer and it seems at each stopping point in my day, prayer was necessary.


prayerA few years back, I might not have thought of the importance of asking for God’s provision on a busy or stressful day. But I’ve learned through the years that I am unable to this thing called life on my own. I must turn to Jesus through prayer and God’s Word to get me through my day.


I have friends and family who are going through some pretty rough situations. Health, family, faith, finances and important decisions are in the forefront of their minds. But how blessed we are to be able to take these issues to God in prayer.


I was reminded of an older radio evangelist whose theme song was “Just a Prayer Away.”[i] While I cannot find the lyrics for this melody, I did find a recording of Ed Bousman singing this song. As I listened, I was reminded that God is indeed just a prayer away. Maybe it is just what you need today.


Today I have places to go and people to see, but it is nothing like yesterday. But I wonder how many times I’ll think to pray to God through this day? Will I rely on Him in my unbusyness as I did in my busyness? All I can do is be more thoughtful, ask God to remind me to pray and then do it.


1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV) reminds me to “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV) is a good reminder as well. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”


How blessed we are to be able to approach God in such a way! Today I plan to be with God more than I usually am. There’s plenty of room around the Throne. Why not join me there?


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “Just a Prayer Away,” Words by Charles Tobias and Music by David Kaff, Shapiro, Bernstein, and Co Music Publishing, 1944.

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