

I discovered erasable pens several years ago. I have found them to be very useful for a couple areas of my life.


firxionI make mistakes and sometimes my handwriting is unreadable. So for years I used pencils when working on Bible studies. With a pencil, I could erase my errors and re-write a section so it was legible. However, pencil seems to fade or smudge. When an erasable pen showed up on the market, I had to try it. I was not disappointed. In fact, it’s gone beyond my dreams and comes in multiple colors as well as styles.


I have also found that these pens are fabulous for doodling. Not that doodling needs to be perfect, but if I make a huge mistake on one of my pieces of art, I can re-do it.


Now the thing is, this ink is not permanent. So clearly, there are times when these pens shouldn’t be used. For instance, signing checks or any legal document. The package even states these pens are not recommended for such use.


I recently purchased another package of pens and read some interesting facts about them. First of all, they are refillable. I don’t know how it’s possible. They don’t open. They don’t twist. I don’t see how these pens could possibly be refilled. But now, I have to go to the website to check on that one.


And then this is great. “If pen is exposed to temperature that reaches 140°F, the ink will be colorless when writing. To restore color, cool to at least 14°F in freezer and the ink will again write in color.” What a cool pen! Now I don’t know if it’s like invisible ink at 140 degrees and then if you put the paper in the freezer it will appear. But at least I know this is a possibility.


Oh the things that amaze and amuse me.


Just think of how amazed I would have been had I lived while Jesus walked this earth. Watching Him perform miracles and listening to His teaching would have kept me on the edge of my seat!


Surely you would too.


Just think of the passage in Mark 6:30-44. Here we see the account of the feeding of the five thousand. Jesus takes five loaves and two fish, blesses them, breaks them, and then proceeds to feed the crowd with baskets of food left over.


On another occasion Jesus meets Peter, Andrew, James, and John. They had been fishing all night long and hadn’t caught a single fish. Jesus asked them to throw their nets into the water and amazingly, they catch an astonishing amount of fish. But then, they walked away from it all to “fish for men.” (Luke 5:1-11) Perhaps the disciples were amused by Jesus as well.


One of my favorite real life stories from Scripture was Jesus’ encounter with Mary after His resurrection. She believes Him to be a gardener and asks “where the body of her Lord had been taken.” And with a single word, Jesus amazed Mary. He simply said her name. “Mary.” She immediately knew it was Jesus and nothing about her life would ever be the same (John 20:10-18).


Those who encountered Jesus were amazed by His words and His actions. Whether they were healed, raised from the dead, or forgiven of their sins, they knew something had changed. Their lives were changed by the Savior of the world.


Are you looking to be amazed by Jesus today? Keep your eyes open. You just might be amazed by the graciousness of our Lord and Savior.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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