“G” – Blogging A to Z


As we continue our journey through the alphabet, we land on the letter “g.” One sure way to improve your attitude or boost your happiness is to grin. In the article written by Jennifer Rainey Marquez titled “More Bliss, Less Stress: A to Z Happiness Boosters to Try” in a recent Good Housekeeping magazine, she says that grinning stimulates muscles and signals your brain that you are happy.


gI have become more aware of what my face looks like over the past year. It has been my goal to grin or smile more. I catch myself at work with a scowl on my face as I’m intent on a computer task focusing on something I need to get done. When I do, I’m quick to remedy that fact. I immediately put a smile on my face and not only do I feel better, but I look better too!


I must tell you, the word “grin” is not in the Bible. I searched multiple versions. Nothing. So in order to make this A to Z challenge work, I must change the word. Either change it to a completely different word, or use the idea and chat a bit about smiling. I’ve chose to talk about smiling today.


This first passage of Scripture is well-known, but not as it reads in The Message. See if you don’t recognize it.


“God bless you and keep you, God smile on you and gift you, God look you full in the face and make you prosper.” (Numbers 6:24-26 – The Message) As I read through these verses, I smile myself when I think of God smiling at me. How blessed we are to worship a God who adores us. And not only does He adore us, He shows us that He does. The blessings we receive from God on a daily basis are indeed attitude boosters. How wonderful!


Here’s another passage that speaks about God smiling upon us.


“God, mark us with grace and blessing! Smile!” (Psalm 67:1 – The Message) I’m smiling…are you? The New International Version translates this word as “make his face shine upon us.” Isn’t that what smiling is? When my face lights up because of a good thought or word from someone? That’s a smile! And God smiles upon those who call Him Lord God Almighty! Another attitude booster!


And finally, Psalm 80 talks about God’s face shining upon us several times. The Message says it this way. “Smile your blessing smile.” (Psalm 80:3, 7, 19) Each time this phrase is spoken in Psalm 80, the result of receiving this blessing smile is salvation. I love this phrase, especially when I know that I am only saved through Jesus Christ. So definitely, smile Your blessing smile!


Regardless of how you say it, we need God’s smile upon our lives. We need to know that His face is shining upon us. Dear friend, if we bring a smile to God’s face, how could we possibly not be smiling ourselves? And if we’ve known God’s smile, who is it that we need to share His smile with? A friend? A loved one? A neighbor? The joy of smiling is in the sharing.


So today, let’s smile a little more. Let’s share that smile a little more. Let’s allow God’s Spirit to lift our spirits and fill us with the joy of the Lord. Get that sour look off your face. God is smiling upon you today!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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