“O” – Blogging A to Z


I haven’t mentioned the purpose of my blog through the month of April lately. I accepted a challenge to write about a specific letter of the alphabet each day of the month. I saw a listing (from A to Z) of easy little tricks that will energize your attitude or boost your happiness. So I decided to use this list as my guide. It’s been a great journey so far!


oToday is set aside as “o” day. According to the author of “More Bliss, Less Stress: A to Z Happiness Boosters to Try Today,”[i] opening an orange is a great way to energize your attitude. Apparently certain aromas or fragrances trigger nostalgic feelings and some research suggests that the smell of an orange can calm—even take away anxiety.


I understand this one. I have found that double smoked bacon transports me to the hills of Kentucky to my Granny’s house. There is a local restaurant that has a delicious smelling air freshener that delights my senses. The smell of rain reminds me of the thunderstorms back east. Johnson’s Baby Lotion (you know the pink stuff) will always bring back memories of being a young mom rocking my precious babies.


Now these are just a few of my favorite scents. So to me, it makes sense that by cutting open an orange, my mood can be shifted. I get it. I enjoy the smell of an orange.


In Scripture, the Apostle Paul tells us that we, as Christians, are an aroma. To God, we are the aroma of Christ. To some, we are the smell of death. To others, we are the fragrance of life. (2 Corinthians 2:14-16)


What makes the difference?


When we accept Jesus as our Savior, our lives are changed. We are changed. As we share God’s message of Jesus the Messiah and the knowledge of Christ, a sweet fragrance is released.


And as we continue through the transformation process, our lives become a sacrifice to God. In this, we become the aroma of Christ to God.


As we share the Gospel message with the world, the aroma is always sweet-smelling, however, it is received differently. To those who do not want to hear or believe the message, the result is not pleasant. Death and perishing are what is smelled.


But to the person who believes the Gospel message, a fragrance of life, abundant life is enjoyed.


Now I must admit, sometimes I know I emit a put-offing aroma. It isn’t pleasant. My attitude stinks. My behavior smells like trash. My words harsh. I can only imagine God turns His nose away when I smell like a garbage dump.


But because of Christ, my behavior, my words, my attitude can be changed to the sweet smell God prefers. But I can’t do it on my own. 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 (NIV) says, “Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”


Yes, God’s Spirit within me allows the sweet fragrance of life to waft into the heavens to God. I am so thankful for this possibility.


So what about you? What do you smell like today? Are you allowing God’s Spirit to clean up the stinky trash in your life? Are you the aroma of Christ to God? Do others enjoy the aroma of life that you produce? Are you sharing the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ with others?


This world stinks. Let’s get out there and release the sweet-smelling fragrance of Christ with everyone we see today.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “More Bliss, Less Stress: A to Z Happiness Boosters to Try Today,” Jennifer Rainey Marquez, Good Housekeeping, Vol. 260, No. 4.

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