On May 1, my Dad celebrated 60 years in the ministry. And the thing is that he is still working for God in His kingdom! Oh how I pray that when I’m 80 years old I am still as useful to God as my Dad is.
Growing up with Dad was wonderful for me. I learned to love cars and how to care for them. I learned how to build things. I think I learned how to pull off practical jokes from Dad…let me say, the lessons were taught, but I don’t know think I learned them all that well. I learned some tough life lessons with help from Dad. I learned about God’s love and His Word through Dad. And I also learned to love music from Dad.
Dad enjoyed listening to music as well as engaging his own talents. I recall Dad singing “It’s nighty night time, at the Howard’s” at bedtime. He led our congregation in worship each Sunday. His trombone was heard on more than one occasion at home. And his banjo skills, they were like none I’ve ever heard (please recall that practical joke mention above…maybe someday I’ll share this story).
Seriously, Dad was a good musician and vocalist. Some of my most treasured memories of Dad and music are from camp.
There were fun songs like “Stand Up and Shout it!” and “Rise and Shine” and “I’ve God the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy” and “Fishers of Men.”
And the more meaningful songs like “Thank You, Lord” and “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” and “God is So Good.”
Oh there are so many more I could share, but I want to land on one that is still meaningful to me today. And I might add, could be a beautiful prayer to begin each day.
“Spirit of the Living God” only has 35 words in the whole song, but placed in this order and taken to heart, these 35 words are mighty powerful! As I read through the words and listen to this tune, I’m reminded yet again of what this really looks like in my life.
Melt me. I must disappear so that God can be visible.
Mold me. I must be transformed by the words I read and hear from God.
Fill me. Once I’m out of the picture, the void in my heart is filled with God’s Spirit.
Use me. This willing vessel is able to be used when the three steps above are taken.
Simple, yet profound. Easy enough, yet so difficult. Desired, yet ignored.
But, when we allow God’s Living Spirit to fall afresh on us, we are one step closer to being Christ-like.
Today I pray that you will take these words to heart and join me in singing this song. Today it is my prayer. Why not make it yours?
“Spirit of the Living God”
Spirit of the Living God
Fall afresh on me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall afresh on me
Melt me
Mold me
Fill me
Use me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall afresh on me[i]
To listen to a traditional version of this song, click here.
To listen to a contemporary version of this song, click here.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
[i] “Spirit of the Living God,” Words and Music by Daniel Iverson, Birdwing Music, 1935.